In another life

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This one is about the Valentine's party in s3
Carla was leaning against the wall in the school hall, if she could she would fall right through it, getting as far away from the guy that was standing across from her. She absolutely hated the fact that she was stuck with Yeray for the next 5 years. It wasn't that he was a bad guy or treated her bad, it was the fact that he didn't see her. He didn't notice that she was putting absolutely zero effort in trying to pretend she likes him, he didn't notice she was borderline depressed when she was with him, he didn't notice that it looked like Téo was more in love with him than she was. Carla was still astonished by the fact that Yeray was so clueless. Never in her lifetime she would have thought that she would find somebody more clueless than Samuel, but Yeray managed to do it. It was like she attracted clueless men or something, the difference was that Samuel was wanted, Yeray was not. She just fitted his image, his big dream of being the king of the world. Carla could laugh at that idea, how sad that all he wanted to achieve was showing people wrong. But she was in no place to judge, what she was doing was way more pathetic.

"So what do you want to do for Valentine's Day?" He asked. Carla needed every bit of strength inside of her not to roll her eyes. So she just looked down, avoiding his stupid grin. "I was thinking we could go to this very exclusive restaurant, there usually is waiting list for 5 months but I made a call and reserved a spot. After that we can go back to my place and you know..." he said, not even bothering to wait for an answer from her. Carla sighed, this guy was so boring. His whole personality was just money and succes, after an hour it gets bored. She looked at him and offered him her mastered fake smile. "Seems like you already planned everything. " she said in a bit of sarcastic way. She knew she shouldn't do it but she couldn't help herself, he brought her nasty side out.

She immediately saw light panic on his face, scared his money didn't do the job anymore. The fact is that his money was the only thing that got the job done, Carla thought. When thinking about it, Carla hated who she had become. Her 12 year old self would be so disappointed, she wasn't the strong independent woman anymore. No, the main thing in her life right now was depending on the men around her. She depended on Yeray for his money, on her father for keeping her family together and on Samuel for her last bit of sanity.

Though the last one wasn't so bad. The only thing that kept her going these days were the memories made at his place. The comforting knowledge that she had experienced love, real love. The downside of that was the she never got to explore it, but that, again, was on her. Like always, she just had to ruin it, haunted by that one decision last year. That stupid decision that made her lose her family, her friends, Samuel and lose herself. By now she believed that loving Samuel was cruel joke from god, the devil or any other higher power. It couldn't be that this was just tough luck, she refused to believe that, there has to be something bigger involved.

"Sounds lovely." She comforted Yeray. The desperate sigh that left his mouth made her want to bang her head through the wall. "Good, I'll pick you up at 8 then?" He said as he grabbed her hand. She didn't bother closing them with his, he didn't care, he already got what he wanted. She saw Lu walking in, she received a weird look from her. I know she thought. She followed Lu with her gaze, wanting to focus on anything else than Yeray rambling on about his new watch. While following Lu, her gaze stumbled on the one person that really made her forget reality.

He was standing there, having a conversation with Rebeka. Carla couldn't help but be envious of the girl, once again an indication of how low she sunk. She hated the fact that he decided to move on but she didn't blame him. She meant it with her whole heart that she wanted him to happy. Even if that meant watching him slowly fall out of love with her and in love with someone else. But it bothered her that it had to be Rebeka, why did he have to choose the one girl she knew could treat him better. She knew Rebeka loved him, she felt her stares when Carla and Samuel were messing around. And now she lost him to her. But if that was what he wanted, who was she to disapprove? It wasn't like she had any say in his life, they weren't even exes. No, they didn't get the chance to become that. They were doomed from the start, never really having a real shot at that, most desired, future. Maybe in another life, they could have made this work, a life without parents, without boyfriends and girlfriends, without watches and money. A life with just them, yeah that would be nice.

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