You go

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Since I don't have much time to write because of school, I wrote a soft, short story about Carla and Samuel's family
It was a peaceful spring night, the temperature was nice, not too hot and not too cold. The streets of Madrid were silent, with the exception of some cars and some drunk teenagers. Overall, it was a calm night. The sky was clear, you could spot all the constellations, not a cloud blurring them.

In the suburbs of Madrid, it was even calmer. Not a person was awake even though is was a Friday night. In all the family inhabited houses, the lights were off. If you listened really closely you could hear some snoring here and there. It was like the chaos and hurry of the world didn't exists anymore, like time stood still at night.

There was one house in particular that was very quiet, every member of the home was asleep. The house was owned by a young couple who recently became parents. When they first moved, the neighborhood was in shock, how could such a young couple afford that big of a house. After some neighbors investigated and reported back to the toxic community, the residents were divided. Some couples didn't want their spouses in a radius of 50 meters from the young, beautiful Marquesa or the boyish attractive man. Others wanted to befriend the brown haired man that had an captivating smile and the girl that could make you drop to your knees with one look. It didn't matter on what side you were on, they were the topic of conversation for months. Carla and Samuel didn't pay much attention to the passive aggressive comments or the overly friendly compliments they received, they were just minding their own business. And with business they ment their newborn son, Hugo.

Hugo was 4 months old and the receiver of all the adoration and love from the two parents. He had dark brown hair and big green doughy eyes. You could already tell that he is going to be the breaker of hearts for many girls. Hugo brought his parents even closer than they already were, the amount of love he created was unmatched. Samuel and Carla loved being parents and they were great at it. The downside was, they didn't get any sleep. They were exhausted and as soon as Hugo napped, they took the chance to close their eyes as well. Their whole sleep rhythm was fucked up, they couldn't even remember when the last time they had slept for more than 3 hours was. So this calm night was gladly accepted by them. Hugo fell asleep at 9 P.M, not soon after, the couple dived in their bed, desperate for some rest.

If you wouldn't know better, you would think they were in a coma, there was no movement. The slow uplift of their chests were the only indications they were breathing. Samuel was lying on his back with his head turned to the left side, facing Carla. She was laying on her side, her face turning toward Samuel, her left arm was laying on his stomach, covered by his arm. Her leg was tangled into his, she was clinging to him like a koala. They were both knocked out. Sometimes Carla would mumble something and Samuel would stir a little, but aside from that, it was dead silent.

That silence was disturbed by loud cries that came from the room next to theirs. The screams pierced through the couple's ears, and they slowly opened their eyes. In the first months they would wake up in panic, scared awake by the loud noise. Now they would wake up slowly, like the screams were just background noises.

They opened their eyes in synchronization and stared at the other. They didn't move yet, they had to mentally prepare to move their exhausted muscles. Even in the dark, they could see the other's eyes clearly. Maybe they just knew exactly what they looked like and projected it, not really seeing them. But they liked to believe that it was the sparkle in them, like they somehow lit up when it got dark.

They both had dark bags under their eyes. Both of them didn't even know what they looked like without them, it had became a permanent part of them. Cara could cover it up with some concealer but somehow they still shined through. Their eyes were half closed, not having the strength to fully open them. If they did, it would physically hurt. Not a lot, but it felt like someone was pulling their eyelids.

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