Two lines

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Thank you again for the nice comments! This one is going to be about Carla finding out she is pregnant
The heavy base of the music was sending vibrations through the bodies of the drunk, horny, pretending to be, adults. It was like there was a drug in every beat the DJ played, making everybody higher each 2 seconds. There was an atmosphere of carelessness and immortality in the air. The crowd's age average was around 24. With the exception of the 17 year old girls that contoured their cleavage and put on extra short skirts to flirt their way past the bouncer, only to stand in a little group in the corner, realizing that this wasn't their crowd.

Carla was watching a hurdle of girls in the corner with the upmost delight. Every guy that passed the group would get angsty looks, thinking that every men in here would want to pray on their young flesh. Carla could also see that the girls were clearly threatened by the confidence most girls had,  how they danced, how they walked, how they kissed. The 17 year olds were still in their insecure phase of their life, thinking that everybody would notice the tiniest pimple on their head and making it a big deal when one of their friends had kissed a boy.

Carla never went through that phase, she was always confident in herself and it showed, she attracted boys like magnets, as well as jealous comments from her classmates. But that did nothing to her, she never really valued opinions from people that were clearly threatened. She wasn't conceited, she just knew that she was prettier and smarter than the average person, why be ashamed or downplay it? But she'd never rub it in anyone's face, she always remained humble. She just liked to think she was self aware. This might have been the reason she didn't have many friends, but she liked that. She surrounded herself with people that could handle her and who she could rely on, it was way better than never knowing who was sincere.

Carla actually sympathized with the girls, they were making it harder than it should be by caring what other people thought about them. Constantly touching theirselves, fixing what they thought was wrong. "Don't tell me you're laughing at those little girls." She heard a familiar voice say while he wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her back. Carla grinned to herself, how did Samuel always know what she was thinking. Well, she wasn't really laughing at them, she found them endearing if anything, so innocent. "No I'm not, I'm watching over them. Any guy in here could be a pervert you know." Carla denied, not wanting to admit that he was a little bit right. There was a comedic effect with the young girls being so concerned with themselves, while nobody really noticed them. Samuel chuckled in her neck as he rested his head on her shoulder. His warm breath on her skin made the little hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

"Any guy?" He asked with a grin. Carla smiled, knowing what direction he was going with this. "Well we already established that you're definitely a pervert, so now I just have to identify the others." She said in a serious voice, it had a playful undertone though. Once again, Samuel let out a chuckle, it had the same effect on her as the previous one. "So perverts are your type then?" He asked. Carla finally turned around, facing him. He was looking at her with a satisfied grin, still with his grip around her waist. She rubbed her hands over his arms and closing them behind his neck, she didn't even register the movement, it was natural.
"Not really, but for you I"ll make an exception." She said as she brought her face closer to his, their noses were now touching. Both had a playful smile on their face, already knowing how this conversation was going to end. In fact, they already knew how this night was going to end but they were savoring it.

"Well aren't I a lucky guy?" He grinned, coming even closer and moving his hands from her waist to her ass. Carla was a bit shocked by this movement, she was usually the one to make the more daring moves. He was usually very gentle with her, always checking if she was okay. Most of the time it was her job to persuade him to be a bit more rough with her, but here he was, grabbing her ass in public. It made her need for this night to end so they could go home, even bigger. But it was only 1 A.M on a Friday night/ Saturday morning, and no matter how much she was craving him, there was a whole night ahead of them. "Baby, you have no idea how lucky you are." She said with a seductive tone as she played with the ends of his hair. It made him want to put her on the bar and kiss her all over, even on places that weren't displayed to anyone but him.

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