Rollercoaster night

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This one shot is about Samuel and Carla meeting Christian again. The run in causes some tension.
Carla and Samuel were walking hand in hand down the streets of Madrid. They had been walking for an hour and had passed their appartement 3 times already but they wanted to keep walking. They just celebrated Samuel's 24th birthday and it was a lovely night. Carla organized a surprise party for him, all his friends were there. He knew it was coming though, Carla wasn't exactly careful with planning it. He heard her screaming on the phone at the balloon guy one night because she wanted silver and gold balloons instead of silver and white.
She also let a few flyers of the venue laying around, he quickly threw them away because he didn't want her to think she messed up. Actually he thought it was funny that she was handling the party a bit messy, she usually was so neat with everything. She is a perfectionist but he knew he still made her nervous sometimes, that's why she was so jumpy the last days. Even though she had it under control she was still nervous. It was nice to see that she let that icy and controlling part of her go after all those years. She could still bring out that cold personality when needed, not with him though, he made her melt.

"You knew didn't you?" She asked him out of the blue. Samuel stopped walking, trying to hide his grin. "No I didn't." He said as quick as he could so he wouldn't laugh. Carla narrowed her eyes "look at me" she said with a serious tone. Samuel started to walk again, hoping she would let it go. "Samuel don't you try to walk away from me. Come here and look at me." 'Of course' thought Samuel 'what was I thinking, she never lets it go'. He turned around to face her and as soon as he saw her face a laugh bursted out. She was standing there like she was investigating a murder. Her eyes were still narrowed, her hands were leaning on her hips and her lips were tightly shut. "Why are you laughing?" She asked, still serious. "Well tell me, are you questioning me about the party, or do you think I robbed a bank?" After that remark Carla noticed how tense her body was. She just wanted everything to be perfect for his birthday. Even though she knew the party was a succes it looked like he knew about it before hand. "Look at me please." She said in a more softer tone. Samuel pulled himself together and looked her in the eyes. Carla took a good look at him. He had a playful look in his eyes and a he was holding back a smile. He knew "You knew!" She shouted while laughing as she slapped his chest. Samuel started laughing "Well yes, only because you were shouting at the top of you lungs at the balloon man when I was on the toilet. Poor guy, I hope he's alright." He said with a fake pout his lips. "Oh he'll be fine" Carla quickly dismissed. She knew she was being too loud that evening but that guy was being unreasonable. "How did you know I knew?" Samuel asked. Carla laughed "I know you think you're a great actor and all, but I hate to break it to you, you're reaction was as believable as me going out without make up." Samuel laughed "well, I think you don't give me enough credit." He said as he wrapped his armes around her waist. "You're right, thank you for playing along." She said as she grabbed the nape of his neck and began playing with his hair. "I had a great time though, thank you for doing that for me. Best birthday ever." She laughed "Well, you only turn 24 once. I wanted to make it perfect. Happy birthday baby." She said as she finally closed the space between their lips. Samuel thanked her by putting more force into the kiss. Carla gladly responded by opening her mouth for his tongue to enter. Samuel grabbed her hands and enclosed them with his. She still got butterflies from him and every time she touched him he felt little bolts of lighting going through his body. They were perfect together.

"You've got to be kidding me" Samuel and Carla parted their kiss, both a bit startled by the loud voice they heard. They turned their heads and both of their faces went from happy to absolutely shocked. Carla's eyes widened about 10 times and Samuel's mouth fell open. Carla grabbed his hand tighter as she felt her anxiety level rise. They couldn't believe who was standing in front of them. Christian. Carla's mind was racing and wasn't able to speak so Samuel did. "Hey man, how are you? Glad to see you feeling better again." Samuel said nonchalantly, pretending that he totally forgot his girlfriend was part of the reason Christian got hit by a car. "Samu, you're not serious are you. You're playing with me right." He said with disappointed tone. "What do you mean?" Samuel kept playing dumb. Christian was getting a little mad "Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. You're really dating her." He said with a disgusted face. Carla quickly looked at the ground, too ashamed to look at the boy in front of her. She still felt guilty. She wanted to reach out to him the last couple of years but she was afraid he'd react the way he was doing right now. After all this time, she hoped the shit they went through was finally in the past, but it still haunted her. This time in the human form of Christian. "Hey man come on, be nice." Samuel said, trying to calm him down. That was received the wrong way. "Be nice? Are you kidding me. Because of her I had to do 3 years of intensive revalidation. And still, I walk with a fucking limp! I can never play soccer again, never ride my bike, I can never walk longer than 30 minutes because of her!" He pointed at Carla angrily. "I came here to surprise you for your birthday Samu. Thinking maybe we can built up our friendship again, only to  find you here with your tongue in that marchioness's mouth!" Samuel was completely taken aback by what just escalated in the last minutes. "And you Carla, what are your intentions with him. And don't tell me you're actually with him for valid reasons, because I wouldn't believe that in a million years. You're a snake, a manipulator! You have everyone in the palm of your hand, just like your daddy. But not me anymore, it took me a while but I can see what you are now. A stone cold, self serving bitch!" He spat at her.

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