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This one is about Carla being tired of waiting on Samuel.
Carla was laying on the couch, just watching tv. She had stuff to do but she just couldn't bring herself to actually do them. So instead, she just watched Netflix stressfully. She got a text from Samuel that he wanted to get take out tonight instead of going to a real restaurant. Carla sighed, she didn't feel like going out either, but she thought that tonight was finally going to be the night. They had been dating for 6 years now and everything was going great. They both had amazing jobs they loved and it didn't hurt that they earned a lot of money doing it. Carla was still managing the wineries, she had expanded it into an international buisness. Samuel just made senior partner at a law firm and was on his way to becoming the youngest managing partner. It was safe to say, they were living comfortably. Though they didn't show off their money, still remaining humble. They even kept Samuel's old apartment, he turned it into an atelier for his drawing hobby. Carla loved spending her nights there with him, posing for one of his art pieces. Everything was going perfect.

Still, Carla was wondering when Samuel was finally going to propose. She had been for the last 2 years, but still nothing. She had dropped some hints along the way but he clearly didn't get them. For instance, she asked what he thought the best destination for their future wedding would be. Samuel, the most oblivious boy on the planet, just responded that that would be up to her, completely missing the point. She didn't want to drop too many hints, afraid she would somehow force him in an unwanted marriage. She often wondered if she even wanted to get married, why would she. Everything was perfect the way it was now. But ever since a young girl, she always pictured herself walking down the aisle. And ever since her and Samuel started dating she pictured him waiting for her at the end. But right now, no steps were taken to achieve that goal. She also thought about asking him, but call her old fashioned, she wasn't going to ask her man to get married. No, Carla Rosón has to be proposed to.

She decided to call him, asking him what he wanted to eat so she could already order it. "Hey" he said. He sounded a bit grumpy but she decided to ignore it. "Hey, when will you be home? I can order the food already if you want?" She asked. "Uhm, I'm walking towards the car now so I'll be home in about 30 minutes. So yeah, go ahead." He said, not too enthusiastic. The couple lived 30 minutes outside Madrid in a big modern house. First they had an apartment in the city but once they really started building a future they prepared for bigger things, so they bought a house. "Okay, what do you want?" She asked. She felt that she was getting a bit grumpy herself. She was in a good mood, till he had to ruin it. "To be honest, I just crave some pizza." Samuel said. Carla nodded, wanting to hang up. "Alright I'll order it." She said. "I want a-" "Pizza salami with pesto, I know." Carla cut him off. "Right, see you soon." Samuel said, noticing that she was getting a bit grumpy herself. That wasn't his intention. "Okay." Carla said as she was about to hang up. "Carla!" She heard him say. "I love you." Samuel said with a grin on his face. And just like that her mood was all better. "I love you too. Drive safe please." She said before she hung up.

30 minutes later Carla heard some keys in the lock. A few seconds later Samuel came walking in. "I'm home!" She heard him yell. Carla was in the kitchen, grabbing some plates for the pizza that could arrive at any moment. "Hi! I'm in the kitchen." She yelled back. She heard his footsteps coming closer to the kitchen. When she was filling two glasses with water, she felt his hands sliding around her waist. "Hi, how was your day?" She asked as she relaxed her head on his chest. He gave a kiss on the cheeks before speaking. "It sucked. I lost that big corporate case because some stupid intern made some technical error in the suit." He complained. Carla chuckled "Don't be so hard on him. I remember you making the same mistake your first intern year, you were so stressed for the following 3 weeks. Cut him some slack." Carla said as she smiled, remembering the stressed Samuel running around his apartment. Samuel grunted "I know you're right, and I hate it." He said, still mad at the kid. Carla laughed and kissed his cheek. After a couple seconds of comfortable silence of them just standing there, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." Samuel said. As soon as he let her go, they both grew a little colder. "Do you have cash?" Samuel asked. Carla turned around "Yeah it's in my purse, I think it's on the couch." Carla yelled, grabbing the plates and following him to the living room. Samuel grabbed her wallet out of her purse and took some money. He opened the door. "Hi sir, I have 2 pizzas." The delivery boy said. Samuel grinned, he remembered the time he delivered pizzas. He hated the job so much, always having to bike through neighborhoods where the least expensive thing a BMW was. "Yes thanks." Samuel said as he grabbed the pizzas from the boy. "That'll be €15." The boy said. Samuel gave him €50. The boy reached for his changed bag but Samuel interrupted him. "No keep the change." He said winking at him. He wasn't going to miss the €35 anyway. The boy stood there with a surprised face, that grew into a big smile just seconds later. "Thank you sir!" He said. Samuel just nodded and closed the door.

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