25- Hurt

52 7 27

Bella's POV

"Leave me alone" Ashton said as he walked away from me.

That was unexpected...

I stood in front of the diner dumbfounded as I watched him walk away from me. It's so funny to think that this is yet another time that he's walked away from me.

In our four weeks of dating he's walked away from me a lot of times. Sometimes I wonder if this is a one sided relationship or if he really loves me.

I sighed and walked to the bus station. Maybe he'll come around soon, I hope.

After the long annoying bus ride with the weird girl beside me who kept chewing with her mouth open, I finally arrived home. Today was Mason's birthday so we were eating dinner at a restaurant nearby. I already missed going zip lining with mom, dad and Mason.

I texted Ashton asking him if he'd like to come, but he only read it and didn't reply.

I changed into a black tube top and black jeans with black sneakers.

I let my hair down and put on light makeup.

Satisfied with my look, I ran down stairs to my parents. Immediately they saw me, his  eyes widened.

"What happened to wearing hoodies?!" My dad asked, making my mom giggle.

"She's an adult, she can wear whatever she wants" My mom said, hugging my dad from the side.

"But it's showing her belly button," He complained.

"It's ok, it's only showing three centimeters of skin" My mom said.

"Yeah, dad you said I can't show more than five centimeters of skin" I reminded him of the ridiculous rule he made five years ago.

"Ok" He said.

"Why are you giving her attention? It's my fourteenth birthday so give me attention" Mason complained. I rolled my eyes.

"I thought people become smarter as they age," I said.

"Not like you've grown attractive since you were ten" He retorted.

"At least I'm smart" I retorted.

"What's the square root of twenty five," He asked.

"Six hundred and twenty five" I answered. And some people called me a freak for learning squares in middle school.

"How'd you know? I don't even know it" He said in disbelief.

"That's because I'm smarter than you. Next time don't underestimate your sister who's four years older than you" I said.

"I better start learning squares," He said before walking away.

I followed him outside. My eyes widened at the sight of my mom and dad kissing

"Aww" I smiled.

"Eww!" My brother said with a disgusted face on.

I always knew we were polar opposites.

"Let's go before it's late" My dad said, with a light shade of pink on his cheeks.

They're so cute.

We rode in my dad's car for thirty minutes before arriving at the restaurant. My dad had already made a reservation and after dinner we're going to the park where Mason's friends were meeting him to celebrate with him.

We stepped into the restaurant and made our way to our table. I sat beside my mom while my dad and Mason sat opposite us.

The waiter came to take our order. We ordered pasta pizza, giant pork ribs and a bucket of chicken, for dessert we ordered chocolate and cheesecake, vanilla and chocolate ice cream and edible cookie dough.

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