19- I love you

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Bella's POV

I feel large arms snake around my waist and the person buried their head in my neck and kissed me on my neck. Ashton and I have been dating for three days and those days have been the best days of my life. 

After my dad caught us kissing, we talked it out with him, he was a little angry but he allowed us to be. "Babe?" Ashton called, standing beside me. He looked so cute in his pink shirt and black pants. 

"Yes," I answered, looking into his brown eyes. He tapped his cheek, indicating he wanted me to kiss his cheek. 

I leaned closer to his cheek, immediately I was really close, he quickly turned his head to face me, our noses were touching and our lips were only a centimeter apart. He tilted his head to the side and pressed his lips on mine, I snaked my arms around his neck and his arms were around my waist, one hand caressed my back while the other was placed firmly on my waist. 

I opened my mouth and let his tongue slide into my mouth, "Eww, you guys are such a gross PDA couple" Liana said, walking towards us with David, Brent, Aubrey and Eiffel behind them. 

We broke apart, a blush was evident on my face. I smiled at them and looked around my surroundings, we were at a funfair. It was Ashton's idea to come here and it's been beautiful so far. 

"Aren't you supposed to have a boyfriend?" I asked, as we walked to the hotdog stand. 

"I've gotten tired of dating," She said, sadistically. I could tell something bad happened. 

I looked at Aubrey who was walking beside Brent and Eiffel. After Aubrey admitted she likes Brent, she found out that Eiffel and Brent have been dating for almost three months. She's been really sad since then although she tries to hide it, I can tell seeing Eiffel and Brent together hurts her. 

I let go of Ashton's hand and walked over to Aubrey. 

"I want you to be happy, I know it hurts and I can't change that, but please smile" I said, she smiled and I dragged her to the hotdog stand. 

We bought our hotdogs and decided to go on one of the rides. 


"Goodnight" Ashton said, kissing my forehead. I blushed and hugged him. 

"Goodnight" I replied, pulling away. I walked to my door and looked back at him, he was still standing beside his car. 

"Do you want to sleep with me?" I asked, he smirked. Now I regret saying that, what if he didn't get what I meant. 

"I didn't mean-" I said, then he interrupted. "I know what you mean, darling" He said, placing a kiss on my nose. 

"Do you?" 

"I would love to, but I don't want your dad to have my head before it's morning" He said, I giggled. 

"Goodnight, then" I said and walked inside my house. 

I ignored my family and ran straight to my room, I changed into my pyjamas and flopped down on my bed. 

I screamed into my pillow, a new habit I developed whenever I think of Ashton. For a long time I've been feeling fireworks inside my stomach and it's all because of Ashton. He's so sweet, cute, funny, kind, he's everything I could ask for. I just know that he's the perfect guy for me. 

I blushed at the thought of our first kiss, it wasn't at the best time but it surely made me happy. 

I sighed and placed my pillow below my head, hopefully I'll fall asleep without feeling like a bag of butterflies. 

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