09- "Roach boy"

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Bella's POV

"What are you laughing about?" I asked Spencer,  who was laughing at something on his phone. 

"Nothing that concerns you" Ashton said. 

"I wasn't talking to you," I said, giving him my best death stare. 

"This" Spencer said pointing the phone towards me. 

I took it from his hand and watched the video,  it was the video of Jessie pouring coffee on her head,  it was posted on Instagram and it had two hundred thousand views and six thousand likes. 

I gasped,  feeling guilty

This is all my fault, she's disgraced on the internet because of me, no wonder she didn't show up at work this morning. 

"Who posted this video?" I asked,  when  I find the person I'll kill him and feed him to my dogs. 

"Ashton did" Spencer said pointing at Ashton who was beside him. 

"Why would you do that?" I asked, angry. 

"It's funny" He laughed. 

"She's gonna feel bad,  everyone on the internet is gonna see her being humiliated, because of you" I said poking his chest. 

"I care less," He said, walking away. 

"And you," I said, pointing at Spencer. 

"What?" He asked innocently. 

"You have to find a way to take it down" I said,  and walked away. 

I quickly rushed back to the counter, picked up my phone and called Jessie.  But she didn't pick my call. 

So I decided to call her after work instead. 


"Hey" Matt said waving his hand in front of my face. 

"I'm so tired!" I groaned.  "You're always tired," He said, raising his eyebrows. 

"Do you have any idea on how I can prank Ashton?" I asked. 

"No?  Why'd you wanna prank Ashton?" He asked puzzled. 

"He did something bad to my friend so I want to give him  a piece of mind" I said. 

"Well, I know he's terrified of cockroaches, you can prank him with that" Matt shrugged. 

"That's a good idea, how'd you know that?" I asked. 

"He used to date my cousin" Matt said,  his facial expression suddenly changed,  he looked sad. 

"He broke her heart?" I asked. 

"No,  not exactly" He said. 

"Ok,  so how are we going to do this?" I said,  deciding not to continue with the conversation. 

"You put a cockroach on the cash register, and you're going to pretend to pay for a drink,  and he'll scream when he sees the cockroach, I'll be filming from the corner" He said. 

"That's a great plan, but how are we going to put the cockroach there if he's always there?"

"Humm... You're right I'll have to figure that out soon"


I watched Matt pretending to start a conversation with Ashton,  while sneaking the cockroach on the cash register. I watched his every move until he signaled for me to buy the drink. 

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