10- "Meet the boys!"

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Bella's POV

"Oh Santa Claus, Santa Claus please visit me. 
My house will look pretty with lights on the trees, I'll bake you some cookies on Christmas Eve night,  I'll be in my bed snuggled up tight~"  I sang preparing to end my work for the day. 

When I heard someone clapping from behind me,  I turned to look at the person, it was none other than The roach boy. 

"What do you want?" I asked, ignoring the smirk on his face. 

"You have such a nice voice" He said,  still smirking. 

"Stuff up the attitude and get straight to the point" I said impatiently. 

"You know why I'm here, Stonefield," He said, coming closer to me. I could feel the heat of his body fanning me, and his chocolates eyes pierced through my skin, and our faces were inches apart. 

I moved backwards,maintaining enough space between us. 

"You're wasting my time" I said, looking at my imaginary wristwatch. 

"I'm here for you to take down the video"he scoffed, folding his arms against his chest. 

"I don't have the video," I said smirking, when I saw his facial expression. He looked furious, like he wanted to kill someone. 

"Fuck, what do you mean you don't have the video?! Are you fucking serious right now?!" He yelled at me, I quivered,  scared of what was going to happen next. 

"I'm sorry, but it's with a friend, he helped me film it" I said. 

"Who?" He asked impatiently. 

"Matt," I replied. 

"That son of a bitch" He mumbled, and got the best of me.  He can't just go around calling my friends names. 

"What's your problem?!" I yelled at him,  pissed by his self-centeredness. 


"Why are you so angry? When you did the exact same thing to someone else!" I yelled once more,  as my courage increased. 

"Shut the fuck up" He said,  running his hand through his hair restlessly. 

"I'm not shutting up , you're an idiot,  a narcissistic, foolish, bastard, self-centered jerk. Are you even human?" I said, losing total control of my words, and my hand, out of anger slipped, and found it's way on his right cheek. 

He came closer to me, and raised his hands to hit me, but he stopped. I looked into his eyes,  his eyes held, anger,  hatred, rage and wrath. 

"Delete the video as soon as possible, and I'll delete mine" He said, walking out of the staff room. 

I sat on the chair processing what just occurred. I've never seen Ashton that angry before, for a minute I was scared he was going to beat me up. 

Nevertheless, he was able to control the anger,  maybe because I'm  girl, I'm sure if I were a boy he would have wiped my existence. 

"Hey, I saw Ashton coming out of here, did he hurt you?" Matt asked,  immediately he walked in. 

I shook my head,  "He wanted the video deleted" I said nonchalantly. 

"Are you sure he didn't hurt you?" Matt asked again. 

"No, he didn't, I have to go" I said,  walking out of there staff room. 


I stood outside the diner, trying to get a cab,  but I didn't find any.  It's three o'clock and I haven't gotten a cab for the past hour I've been standing by the road side. 

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