Chapter 3

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~5 years ago~

It was a typical day. I had just gotten back from school, Theresa was holding my hand skipping alongside me. She was giggling and telling me all about how much work she did in her class and how much she enjoyed it. Her straight black hair bouncing along with her.

Her hair is straight as a stick whereas mine has some bounce and wave in it. Theresa is in first grade, she was an unplanned pregnancy, but we wouldn't change her for the world.

We enter our small house and she runs through to the kitchen. "Nutella sandwich? Pleasssseee." She begs me as I close the door, I laugh and walk to where shes sitting.

"We haven't even been in the house for 2 minutes Thers..." her eyes go big and she sticks her bottom lip out. "Okay okay, but only if you promise to have a glass of milk."

"But Memee..." she whines. But I grab a glass and pour her a glass of milk. I place it infront of her. She glares at it but when the jar of nutella appears, she downs it like a champ.

"Careful sis. You might want to slow down..." she does sort of slow down and I make her the glorified chocolate sandwich that she desperately wants. I hand it to her and she immediately eats it as if she has not seen food in weeks. I chuckle and make myself a tomato and cheese sandwich.

"Want to watch a movie Memee?" She asks as she wipes, well, smears the chocolate across her face.

I think of all my homework and projects that need to be done. "I don't know... I have a lot of school stuff to do..." she looks at me with big puppy dog eyes. "Fineeee." I surrender to her.

She squeals and runs to the DVD player and puts in her favorite movie. 'Home' I must've already watched this movie a thousand times. I make myself comfortable on the couch, with her sitting up as if she's never seen the movie before.

I just finish my sandwich, which takes me a good half an hour, when my dad comes home. "Daddy!" Theresa exclaims and launches herself towards him. He bends down and picks her up, but I see his eyes... he isn't happy... he forces a smile.

Mom slowly slinks inside behind him and her body language says everything to me. "I'm going to make dinner, how does spaghetti and meatballs sound?" Theresa nods her head frantically and my mom smiles a sad smile. She heads to the kitchen and I get up.

I follow her to the kitchen and look at her. "Mom?" I say softly. She tenses before she turns to me.

"Yes Mia love?" She says softly and calmly back to me.

"What's happening?" She just stares at me. "I'm not stupid mom... I know something's wrong... tell me..." she shakes her head and tries to give me a smile.

"No. Nothing's wrong baby." I frown and walk back to the lounge. Theresa is stretched out on the couch and dad is nowhere to be seen. I sigh and sit down to watch the movie with her. I'm so comfy I doze off.

I jump up and see Theresa is not there next to me but in the kitchen with mom and dad. I walk cautiously to the counter and see dad is making his infamous hot chocolate to drink with our food.

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