Chapter 22

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*This chapter just didn't meet my expectations... but anyways...*

Awkwardly, I begin to sway my hips. "Come on... put some heart into it." Pat says as he stretches his legs out.

I stop and take a deep breath, I look over my shoulder and see Ryan's face plastered to the glass. I close my eyes and imagine myself in a different place, a different setting, with a different person.

The picture grows on me and soon I'm completely absorbed into the fairytale.

I'm dancing for Ryan, in a nice warm room with the soft music playing in the background.

Swaying my hips, I walk towards one side of the room, then I repeat while biting my lip. In my mind, Ryan urges me on and not these asses.

Rubbing my hands over my arms gently and teasingly, I make eye contact with Ryan. I run my hands through my hair and pull my head back slightly, receiving groans for my movements.

"I'm so glad it's us here, Pat." I shake my head and try to go back to Ryan's room. I shake my hips and snap back to reality when I feel a rough hand on my hips.

Panic builds inside me as I stare into Chris' eyes. "No, Chris." Pat reprimands him like a father to a child, but he doesn't let go. Instead, he tightens his grip. "Fuck it Chris..."

Chris groans. "Please Pat... come on... we can... she's ours at the moment..." he begs.

"Not now Chris." Chris let's out a puff of air before releasing my poor hip. "You can go back and take the food..." he says so disappointed.

No need to ask me twice and I make my getaway with the prized food. I scrutinise the door and see that there is no lock! Now to just get Ryan free!

We eat the food and drink the water pretty much in silence. I stay in the nightie because the shirt is still wet.

We don't look at each other, we just stay quiet, unsure of what I've just done to myself. Regret and shame creeps into me like a dark cloud.

"You eat enough?" I ask as I have another sip of water, he nods his head but is far, far away in his own mind. "Are you mad?" I ask in a very small voice. He shakes his head but doesn't speak. "You look mad." I hang my head and see the fabric of the nightie, tears spring to my eyes. What did I actually accomplish? Maybe just delaying the inevitable? That we're going to die here by means of starvation.

I shake my head and wipe the moisture away from my eyes. No. I refuse to die here. "I have a plan." I whisper to him and move up to him.

He looks at me with big eyes and is speechless. "How?"

Clearing my throat I explain my plan, he frowns, then smiles but ultimately frowns again. He shakes his head. "I don't like that idea..."

"Well do you have something better?" His face pales and his mouth drops open, unable to protest. "Exactly... this is our best hope of getting out..." he grumbles a response and I flick his head. "You've got me this time... and I refuse to die in here..."

He stays silent as I run through my plan in my mind again.

Get the key for Ryan by means of Dancing or something... then get him free... wait for our chance... then we bolt for our freedom.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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