Heart of The Woods

Start from the beginning

"Not many people can sneak up on me like that." he said confidently before turning to face his attacker.

"I advise you to take your business elsewhere." you said sternly while pointing a shiny dagger to his abdomen.

"Is that any way to treat a guest? Goodness, have some manners." Loki said calmly before advancing towards you with a dagger of his own.

You dodged it gracefully. "Did your mother not teach you to knock before entering?" you countered his words and his attack.

Loki huffed after being deflected, a little shocked because he has not seen that sort of technique before. "You know how to fight." he said definitively, pointing his dagger towards you.

"What kind of woman doesn't know how to fight, stone bearer?" you hissed confidently and tried to attack him again but he managed to lock his arms around you and hold you to his chest.

"You're not mortal." he huffed when you got out of his grip.

You chuckled sarcastically. "Wow, what gave it away?" you returned your dagger into its sheath and marched passed Loki to sit on your throne boredly.

"Alright listen, you're not going to attack me anymore because I've piqued your curiosity and I'm not going to attack you because you have something I want,"

Loki got more defensive and stood in a fighting stance, you rolled your eyes. "Not the infinity stone, half wit. I need information about the outside world. That is all."

"If you think me a simpleton then you are wrong."

"Oh, really? You walked into a dark and dank abandoned castle that is suspiciously in the middle of the forest without a care in the world." you sassed and raised an eyebrow.

"Curiosity does not equal stupidity."

"Hm? Yeah, well agree to disagree," you smiled condescendingly. You cleared your throat and propped your legs up on the arm rest of the throne. "What is it that you want? And how did you come upon my home?"

"I landed here by accident. The Tesseract, you see, is difficult to handle when you're not in the correct state of mind. And all I want as of now is anonymity."

"Targets on your back, I see. It takes time to get used to, speaking from my own experience," you smiled. "Well, if you wanted anonymity you've come to the right place. I don't usually welcome visitors but seeing as you're a runaway immortal... I can make exemptions." You stood from your throne swiftly, beckoning Loki to follow you into the dining room. He did so reluctantly. You poured him a glass of wine and asked him to sit down on one of the chairs.

"I only keep the throne room dusty for dramatic effect," you informed him when he looked surprised at the spotless state of your dining area. "So, now tell me," you took a sip from your glass. "What in Hel's name has Midgard been up to?"

"Currently dealing with the casualties I've created." Loki answered, swirling and sniffing the wine just in case you were trying to poison him.

"Oh? Seeking to rule the realm are we?" you teased. Loki glared at you with hostility. You chuckled. "Apologies. Go on."

"They are primitive and weak as ever. Boring as well, even when they were under the influence of The Sceptre, they were still so mundane."

"What about their way of collecting information and intelligence?"

"It has advanced since I last visited 300 years ago. They do still have a knack for destroying natural life, I'll tell you that." Loki finally sipped his drink, finding its taste normal and not tampered with.

"Ah. I see. Well, the end is always inevitable. I'd say I have another century before this forest, my home and my peace are gone." you sighed.

Loki's eyebrows creased. "If I may ask, how did you end up here?"

You chuckled before answering. "I'd like to call myself an exile but really I'm a fugitive of Alfheim. I spent years travelling the Nine, even some other stray realms as well. Until I got tangled up in the wrong group of people and I had to escape prison and run away. I figured Midgard was mundane and peaceful enough to atleast save me some time before I have to run again."

"How long have you been staying here?"

"About 5 centuries... I think. I've lost count," you shrugged. And silence fell into the room. Even Loki was pitying your state.

"Well, if you're actually planning to stay here, why don't I show you to your chambers?" you said and broke the momentary silence.

Loki nodded and followed you upstairs into the numerous hallways of bedroom chambers. You lead him to the one across from yours which is the second largest one with the balcony facing the moon.

"This will be adequate." Loki said plainly.

"Good. Do you mind if I asked you a question?"

"It depends."

"What pushed you?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"What pushed you to attack Midgard?"

Loki stared at you hardly, debating whether or not he should tell you the full story.

"It technically wasn't I who began war on Midgard," he paused. "I was being manipulated by The Sceptre. But I did not know it at that time."

"That must be rough."

"I'm sparing you all of the details right now. If you only knew how painful it was under the rule of the Mad Titan." Loki scoffed cynically.

"You had it more difficult than I. I am sorry." you sympathized.

"I wouldn't say that. It takes a certain amount of strength to be alone with one's thoughts for such a long time."

"Either way, we're both wounded," You gave a small sarcastic smile. "Shout if you get lost or anything." you finally said before exiting his room.

A century with Loki.

That should be interesting.

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