Chapter 38

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- t h i r t y  e i g h t -

"He said he didn't know," River exclaimed as he followed Spencer to the kitchen. He stayed just behind the Spencer as she poured the water in glass. At that moment, Spencer was not only seething in anger but also tensed about that sudden revelation which she wasn't expecting at all. And since the moment, she got to know that River knew it before, she had no restraint over her anger.

She didn't respond to his words and drank the whole glass of water in one go. She put down the glass but just to poured more cold water in it.

River knew what she was doing; calming down her anger by sipping excessive water. She always did and both Aurora and River knew of it.

River stared at her before breaking the silence between them. "I was shocked too,"

But he didn't get any response from her, in fact, she left the kitchen, taking the whole bottle of water, she strode toward the room where Aurora was resting. But the truth was, she wasn't.

Aurora Morris was just staring at the ceiling and sometimes hiding her face behind the pillow when the rough memories of past rolled in her eyes.

After leaving the office, Aurora just went to the park and sat in the most silent corner of it. The same park where she used to visit with her pug and also the same park where she cried after the second meeting with Alaric, in which he offended her.

After spending over an hour in that same park, she left to her living place and packed her whole bag. And after taking her little dog in her hand, she pulled the car out with the thought in her mind that she wouldn't be going to see that house ever again.

She drove to Spencer's bakery and though that room was full with a stranger, Aurora went behind the counter and cried all out her tears by hugging her best friend.

Spencer left the shop with her, asking River to take care of the bakery.

It was the time he got intuitions that Alaric finally told Aurora about the whole misreading. He knew that Aurora was going to react over it but he didn't expect that reaction. He closed the bakery early and went back to their house.

He told Spencer finally that he knew about it since Aurora's birthday and since then Spencer wasn't talking to him.

She wasn't giving attention to him and even behaving as if he didn't exist. She was angry because someone broke her best friend's heart and trust. And River hiding that from her just increased the flares.

River was trying to tell that he only got this, two days before but Spencer was in no mood to listen any of his words.

He followed her and this time, grabbed her hand. "I got to know at her birthday," he said.

"Tomorrow was a good time," Spencer snapped back, yanking off her hand from his grip.

"I thought he will handle it,"

"Look how well he handled it!"

"He didn't know that Aura was still living in that lie."

"I didn't know you guys become good buddies,"

"Spencer..." but he paused when he saw the cold anger in her eyes. He knew that at the moment, no word was going to make her believe.

"Do you know how bad it feels to get fooled by someone when you put all your heart in them?" she questioned and pointed her finger toward the room. "My friend is lying dead in that room and I want to go and help her. So, if you have anything to say, say it later. I'm not in that mood and I really don't want to harsh."

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