Chapter 36

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- t h i r t y s i x -

"They aren't here," River closed the door behind as he entered the room of Alaric. " Your sister pulled both of them to some club. And as it's the club and the name of a celebrity, I doubt any person would ever say no,"

He settled on the couch, beside Eden and Alaric's cousin. It was Alaric who invited him for that day party and it was also Alaric who flushed out al the information on him, the moment he entered his house. That guy didn't even get the slice of cake and was forced to sit in the room with those strangers guy and also his cousin Alaric who was love-sick.

He wanted to curse Caroline when he got to know that it was all her fault again. "The first thing you should do is to put Caroline in jail. That's how it started and that's what she deserves."

Well, he and Caroline had a childhood issue with each other. Other than being cousins they were born enemy of each other. Caroline never left the chance to create havoc in his life and neither he left any chance to insult her.

He had many resentments with her in which lying to his mother by saying that she saw him taking drugs in the backyard, telling his father about the first time he smoked and also dumbfounding his girlfriend by saying that he had an issue with marriages because of a rough childhood, was the topmost.

But at that moment, she tried to destroy her own brother's life for her jest and that to be with the girl of his dream.

Eden and River were sitting silently when Eden tried to break the silence. According to him, they needed to concentrate on present more than what happened in past. On the other hand, River was silent but he knew the outcome of this resent and past in future. He knew Aurora more than they knew and he knew Spencer. If that thing trigged her, there was no way that she could keep calm. Aurora was her best friend and if anything would happen to her, she wasn't letting that person get close to her. And as this time Aurora's feelings were inserted, there was no way that things could happen in ease and without any drama.

Plus, Aurora...the only thing which she hated was liers, betrayers and getting fooled by anyone. And somehow, these all three traits were present in Alaric's case and it didn't matter if he didn't do that purposely, there was very least chance that Aurora would forgive him.

"I had never seen that much mess in my life." His cousin said, jumping back on his couch. He hid his face behind hands and brushed off his face hastily.

While everyone in that room was sweating in stress, Alaric on the other side was sitting on his bed, dazedly. His mind was just recalling her face and he didn't know how to make everything fine without loosing her.

There was silence for a while until Eden asked Alaric what he was planning next.

"I don't know," Alaric replied, putting her face in his hands, "The only thing I know is that I messed up,"

"You did," three of them spoke in together.

Alaric felt guilty of whatever he did. He felt stupid about asking for help from Caroline. He felt stupid about relying on her. He shouldn't have done that. He should have told her directly that he wasn't gay and it was just the prank done by his sister. He should have apologized and might be things wouldn't have turned the way they did.

The next thing after his confession was going to be drastic drama. She was going to leave him or might be a slap. Damn it! She was going to hate him.

"But she likes you."

His heart stopped as he heard River's word. She likes him. A drop of hope he got in his heart and he looked at River in hope.

"More than a friend," River continued as he moved forward and sat on the table nearby his bed."Yeah. It's going to sound weird but she has a crush on you. But, I don't know it's just her regular crush or a serious one. Though I feel, it's serious as she was talking from Spencer about,"

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