Chapter 21

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-  t w e n t y  o n e  -

Nothing could beat the tiredness of a someone who partied all night and joined her work, early at eight.

Since morning, it was Aurora's third coffee in the row and this time, she made the strongest one which she rarely preferred.

She was yawning when all of sudden she got approached by Steffy. She asked her to put some file in Alaric's office which Aurora accepted.

She ambled listless toward his room but then she ceased at the door. The memory from last night approached her mind and so as the arresting image of Alaric. It felt like her eyes opened up by that image which those cups of coffee couldn't do since morning.

Her hand was settled on the doorknob but she was still musing how to walk to his desk without getting weird.

She bite her lower lips and with the thought ‘Let-see-what-happen’, she opened the door slightly and peeked from it. Asking permission, as she entered the room, Alaric welcomed her with his warm smile.

Again, Aurora's mind deviated from her work to his cute smile.

'Why this man is affecting me again?' her subconscious mind groaned at herself.

“Um...this is Denor's file, y-you asked for.” she stuttered, glancing away from him.

Without uttering another word, when she turned to leave the room, she heard the voice of him, “Aurora?”

“Yeah?” she turned back, looking at him in question.

“Sorry, I completely forgot to inform you about Denor's meeting—”

Aurora stood stoned there like she already knew what's going to happen in the next moment. ‘Don't tell me I've to stay here for the meeting?’ a thought crossed her mind, instantly.

For the first time, she didn't want to do the work which was on her table. She wanted to ran away and sleep in her comfy-duvet. The headache you get from Hangover is one of the worst things.

She didn't want to stay even for a minute after her working hours. All she wanted was to go to her bed and sleep for the rest of the evening.

But now, looking at the present scenario in that room, she couldn't control herself but to ask, “It’s in the evening, right?”

She only asked the question to listen ‘No’ in response. But in some corner of her mind, she knew that her fate wasn't that easy on her.

“Yup, and you are staying in meeting with us.”

“Why?” she asked straight. But within a second, she tried to cover-up her bluntly spoken words, “I mean I don't have any issue. It just I thought Steffy is going to stay.”

Alaric told her that her presence is going to be important which, somehow, made Aurora confused.

At first, she didn't understand why it was necessary for her being there. But then she thought that might be, he wanted her to help Steffy. Well, that exactly was her work, to help Steffy. Assistant of his Personal Assistant.

That word echoed in her mind. Assistant of his Personal Assistant. That exactly she was. All of sudden, she felt a huge heaviness in her heart. The heaviness which she was trying to shake it off since long. And somewhere she was winning in it too but that day, she herself didn't know how that same thought hit her mind like a dart but hollowed the space inside her core.

But still, without any further question, she smiled meekly and accepted his order to stay for the meeting.

Walking out from his room, she left out a frustrated groan, “Kill me!”

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