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november 5, 2015. england.

on a day off from press interviews and work, harry decides to get up early and go for a run. it's been a while since he's had the time and motivation to spend some time by himself, and to him, an early morning run is the best idea.

harry is careful to not wake louis as he gets up. he has experienced the angry wrath of a grumpy louis one too many times to risk doing it again. he takes just a minute to appreciate how adorable and peaceful his husband is, wrapped in a pile of blankets and his feathery hair a mess across his pillow. harry thankfully didn't disturb him too much while climbing out of bed.

as quietly as he can, harry changes into a pair of workout clothes and makes his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth and tie his hair back. it isn't long before he is out the door, grabbing a protein bar to eat along the way.

once the protein bar is finished, he tucks the wrapper into his pocket to throw in the rubbish bin when he gets back home. he takes out a pair of headphones to shove into his ears and hits play on made in the a.m.

harry has always liked having the chance to listen to new music by himself before it is released. he likes giving himself the chance to hear everything objectively, without any other opinions butting in, to decide if he is truly happy with the finished product. this is his time to not be swayed by the opinions of management or any of the critics. it is something that harry has gotten in the habit of doing, and makes him feel more confident as release day approaches.

harry can't help but appreciate the beauty of london so early in the morning as he jogs. it is too early for the streets to be packed with bustling tourists, so he mostly passes people on their way to work or taking their dogs out for a morning walk. the leaves of the trees planted on every street corner are beginning to change color, to beautiful, vibrant shades of red and yellow.

there is something different about the city on a crisp, cool morning that harry absolutely loves. it makes the city feel so much smaller and more like home, but also makes him feel like an ordinary person. right now, he is not harry styles, famous boy band member. he is just a guy going for a nice jog. sometimes, it's nice to be just an ordinary person.

once the last track, a.m., concludes, harry decides to slow down to a walk, letting himself cool off before heading back home. he takes out his headphones, choosing not to listen to any more music. he decides that he is fully content with the finalized album. him and the other band members have stepped up and created something they can all be really proud of. harry is happy with that. they have faced a lot of challenges in the creation of this new album, but they persevered.

as he walks, harry notices that he's about to pass louis' favorite café. it is only a couple of blocks from their home, so harry decides to surprise louis with a little treat when he gets back home. waking louis up to his favorite coffee and pastries would definitely give him a good start to his day, especially since it has been so long since they have been to the shop. he checks the time on his phone, and decides that it is late enough that louis should probably be getting up soon anyway, and makes his way inside.

as it is still fairly early, the shop is mostly empty, which harry is thankful for. it wouldn't be the best idea to be meeting fans right now while he is all sweaty and buying breakfast for his sleepy husband.

within just a couple minutes, harry is out the door with two coffees and a bag of louis' favorite pastries. he hurries back home, with the hope that everything will still be warm by the time he gets louis out of bed. maybe they'll eat together, then harry can take a shower, and they can spend the rest of their day cuddled on the couch watching movies.

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