Getting To Know You

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Pawblo was hard at work on his next invention. It was a brand new type of arm brace that, with a push of a button) can make an electrified plasma shield. He was sitting silently at his desk, carefully placing its components onto the hollow metal brace.

A knock soon came from outside of the room. He put down his tools and got up to answer the bedroom door. It was Avocato, with Little Cato standing behind him.

"Oh hey, Avocato!" He felt happy knowing that his boyfriend came down to check up on him.

"Hey, babe. Listen, I have to do a few things around the ship, and I was wondering if.....maybe you could keep an eye on my kid for me?"

Pawblo was surprised about his lover's request. "Wait, what? Are you kidding? Sure, I'll keep an eye out for him."

Avocato leaned in and pecked Pawblo on the lips. "Thanks, Blueberry. Though he's 14, he can be a handful." He soon turned to face his son. "Pawblo will keep an eye on you while I do some stuff, kiddo. You listen to him and stay out of trouble, okay?"

Little Cato nodded. "Sure, dad. I'll be good."

"Atta boy."

He soon walked away from the two of them to get started on his errands around the ship. Pawblo and Little Cato stood in the hallway, awkwardly not speaking a word to one another.

"So........want to come inside my workshop?"

Little Cato shrugged and walked into the room. His eyes wandered around all the weapons and gadgets lying around the floor and wall shelves.

"You.....made all of this???"

"Yeah. Most of these are reworked versions of old stuff I left behind at Tera Con Prime. They're improved since the Galaxy One has some great spare parts and scrap."

Little Cato picked up a ray gun. "What's this do?" He pointed it at a picture on the wall and was ready to pull the trigger. Pawblo nervously lowered the gun.

"Uh, let's not do that, kid." He chuckled and took the ray gun and placed it on a shelf.

"What do you want me to do?" Little Cato was bored, and his Dad's boyfriend was not really making a good impression.

"Mind helping me get some parts? I'm trying to finish a new gadget for combat use." Pawblo walked over to the desk and sat down to continue working.

Little Cato walked over to the closet and soon started handing Pawblo parts and pieces that he needed.

" long have you known my Dad?"

"For a while now. He was grumpy and quiet with me at first and now......well, he's still grumpy but we're a couple now, so he's more gentle and caring."

Little Cato smiled slightly. "How did you two even meet?"

Pawblo stopped working to think about this for a minute. "I got into some trouble trying to teach someone a lesson. It backfired, but luckily your dad was nearby and he came to my rescue." He chuckled at the story he was telling.

"That's cool. But.....what about your family? Don't you have any brothers or sisters? Your parents?"

Pawblo looked away, his smile dropping in exchange for a sigh. "I don't know. I know for a fact that I don't have siblings. My parents, on the other hand......I don't know where they are. I've been alone all my life."

Little Cato felt embarrased. "I'm sorry, I didn't.......I didn't mean to bring up bad bits of the past."

"It's all good. You're just trying to get to know me better."

Pawblo got up from his desk and kneeled down at Little Cato.

"My family is gone, and I just wish things were different. But hey, things are looking up. I have Gary, Quinn, Mooncake.....and your Dad! And maybe......I could be a part of your life, too.......I mean, only if you WANT me to!" Pawblo began to stammer. "I'm not a parent, or your Dad for that matter, but maybe you could be my.....apprentice? Like, you could be my son, sort of, only I would teach you everything there is to know about tech. Only if you want to....."

Little Cato pulled Pawblo into a hug. Pawblo was surprised at this action, but soon melted into the hug. He felt as if this was a sign of acceptance, an entry to parenthood/apprentice-hood.

"Huh.....this.....this is nice."

"Don't push it, Pawblo."

"Okay, kid."

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