I Would Die For You

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"This isn't good!", Gary yelled.

Pawblo, Gary, Avocato and Quinn were surrounded by soldiers at gunpoint. The Lord Commander really was scraping the bottom of the barrel this time.

Lasers flew everywhere as the team kept ducking and shooting. Pawblo was enthusiastic about this. He usually stayed inside the ship, making sure everything is in order, but now he was able to show that he was useful to the team by showing off his weaponized combat skills.

Avocato seemed to take notice in this. But it appeared that he didn't care all that much.

Probably because he was sort of better at it.

The guns kept blazing until everything went silent.

"Did.......did we win?", Quinn asked, catching her breath.

"Yeah! We won! Victory is OURS!", Gary yelled. "Pawblo, you were great on your first mission with us!"

Pawblo just stood there as quiet as a mouse, eyeing the area. He knew that they took out all of the soldiers....or did they?

He saw a flash come from a faraway bush. Looking a bit closer revealed it to be a sniper. Pawblo eyed the sniper and soon realized it was about to hit.....

Pawblo sprinted towards Avocato.


Avocato turned his head to see Pawblo sprinting towards him.

Soon, Pawblo thought fast.

He jumped in front of Avocato.

*timeskip because I'm evil 😈*

Pawblo woke up in a hospital bed. He then realized he was in the Med Bay aboard the Galaxy One.

He also realized that Avocato was standing beside him weeping for a bit.

"Avo.....cato? Is that y-you?", Pawblo stuttered.

Avocato embraced him in a hug, still crying a bit. Pawblo was blushing a bit, but soon felt pain and hissed.

Avocato suddenly let go. "Sorry! Didn't mean to make you hiss in pain!", he said. Pawblo looked down at his chest and saw bandages wrapped around him.

"W-what happened, Avocato?", Pawblo said.

"You saved my life, Pawblo.........The shot hit you and you were in a coma for 6 hours. I thank you.....but it was stupid to put yourself in front of me."

"There was no way that you could dodge that."

"I'm much stronger than you think."

"Avocato, I saved your life."

At this point, both ventrexians were pretty mad at each other.

"Look, Pawblo, it's just.....I don't want you to get hurt...", Avocato said, hand in his face.

"I don't want you getting hurt either, Avocato. It's not my fault that I'm—"

Pawblo then shut his mouth.

Avocato soon became confused. "What's not your fault?"

Pawblo just sat there in silence. He then felt all the anger and sadness get to his head and soon, he yelled it out.


Avocato blushed a bit, stunned that he heard these words uttered from Pawblo. It was a surprise that Pawblo was in love with him. Maybe.....maybe he found the one.....

"You....love me?", Avocato asked.

Pawblo just sniffled a bit while a few tears slid from his eye. He sat in silence until he spoke up.

"Y-yeah. It's been like this for a while.....If only I had confessed to you back then. The feeling has been hiding in me for the longest time.....But I always ignored it until now....."

Pawblo then sat up a little more and glared at Avocato.

"I guess love got the best of me today, didn't it? I might as well just...."

Avocato interrupted Pawblo by crashing his lips onto his.

The kiss was tender but sweet. Warm but a bit cold also. Pawblo was surprised but soon went along, going with the flow.

Avocato then stopped kissing and stared at Pawblo for a few seconds.

"This might be the start of something amazing, baby", Avocato said smirking. Pawblo chuckled and blushed at the petname.

"Yeah. It is....", Pawblo said, looking down and smiling. Avocato then embraced Pawblo with another hug.

"I'll protect you, Pawblo. I would die for you if I had to."

"Same here, Avo. We gotta look out for each other."

They both fell asleep, still embraced in a hug.

Quinn happened to peek into the med bay after a while.

"It's about time", she said.

Pawblocato One-Shots (Final Space)Where stories live. Discover now