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Gary and Avocato were playing cards in the rec room. Avocato was winning.

"Hah! I won again. You really suck at this, Gary."

Gary scoffed. "You're cheating. Don't even lie about it."

"I'm being honest. Gentlemen's honor."

"Well, if you're so honest, why won't you tell me who you're into?"

Avocato blushed a bit. "Because that's personal."

Gary raised his hands. "Hey, you don't have to talk about it. I'm just curious, is all. Besides, I think I have a suspicion on who you might be interested in."

Avocato grumbled something under his breath. He breathed a sigh of desperation and coughed. "Alright. Fine. Since I'm honest, I'll tell you about....who I'm interested in."


"Well.....It's not much telling you about them. I'm kind of hoping if YOU could tell me about them."

Gary was confused. "Who do you want to know about?"

Avocato sighed. ".......Pawblo."

Gary gasped and squealed in excitement. "Oh my crap! That's awesome! Sure, definitely! You can ask me about him."

The ventrexian was surprised at hearing his friend's words of trust, and soon began to respond.

"Okay.....well.......what's he like?"

"Don't you ever talk to him?"

Avocato chuckled nervously. "I'm not exactly the....socializing type."

Gary stared at him with a weird face. "Bro....we're talking right now."

"Yeah, because talking with you is normal! You're my friend. Pawblo's my friend, too, but....it's weird. I haven't felt something like this in a long time."

Gary leaned back from his chair a little bit. "Crushes are normal, man. You just have to trust your gut."

"Just tell me. What's he like?"

"He's nervous whenever he's around you, and he enjoys the company of others, especially your kid. They seem to spend a lot of time together." Gary grinned. "I think he called him 'his apprentice' a while back."

Avocato smiled. "That's cute....and cool, actually."

"Pawblo also once told me that he wished that he was as smart, brave, and good looking as you." Gary rolled his eyes.

The ventrexian blushed a bit. He felt flattered and flustered at the same time.

"And.....what about his intentions?"

Gary seemed a little hesitant when hearing this. "He just wants to see you and your kid happy. I asked him before, after he saved you from that sniper back on Yarno."

Avocato looked down, trying to hide his blush.

"You're flustered, aren't you?"

"What? No. Shut up, Gary."

"You're in looooove!"

Avocato got a little irritated. "I will kill you."

"Can't deny it, though. Well, I told you what you wanted to know. Now it's up to you whether to tell him or not. See ya!" Gary soon got up and headed for his room.

Avocato felt a little weird. It had been years since he felt this way about someone. He was in love with Pawblo. He wanted to be with him, and protect him.

".....I'll tell him. Soon."

Pawblocato One-Shots (Final Space)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora