Hooked (Part 2)

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This is part 2 of Hooked, exactly like I promised! Enjoy!

Avocato finally felt what it's like to be nervous about love.

He was standing outside Pawblo's bedroom door, with a small present.

Should I knock? Would he be surprised?

Many thoughts were flowing through his head, some possible outcomes and the others were rejection.

But nah, Avocato thought he would be fine.

Right when he was about to knock, Little Cato called him out from his room.

"Hey, dad! Pawblo's over here!"

Avocato started questioning what was Pawblo doing in his room. He shrugged the thought away and entered the room.

Little Cato was sitting on the far end of his bed, smiling.

Pawblo was in the middle of the room, holding his journal and a small flower.

"Well, go on, Pawblo. Tell him!", Little Cato said.

Pawblo and Avocato spoke at the same time.

"Pawblo, I have to tell you something."

"Avocato, I have to tell you something."

The three of them laughed as they realized what just happened. As the laughter died out, Little Cato walked out the door.

"I'll just leave the two of you alone...."

The two ventrexians stood in the middle of the room, awkwardly silent for a bit.

"You can go first."


"In talking, I mean."

"Oh, o-okay, Avocato."

Pawblo handed over the rose and journal.

"What's this?"

Pawblo pointed to the bookmark. "You should open it to the bookmarked page."

Avocato opened it up to the bookmarked page. The contents of it was a sketch drawing of Avocato. Signed at the corner of the page was the name Pawblo.

"You......drew this for....me?"

"Yeah, I did."

Avocato looked up to Pawblo, both of them slightly blushing.

"It was nothing, really. Do you know how hard it was to get your facial features right? They're not really different from mine, but-"

The talking was interrupted by Avocato hugging Pawblo.

"Thank you."

Pawblo was in full blush mode at this point. He closed his eyes and hugged back. "Y-you're welcome."

Avocato then proceeded to talk. "Pawblo, you always seem to amaze me with your talents."

Pawblo was looking down at the floor, trying to hide his blushing and huge smile.

Avocato then handed him the small present he was holding.

"Here. For you!"

Pawblo opened the box and inside was a small locket in the shape of a heart.

"Aww, man! This is sweet!"

"It gets better. Open it!"

Pawblo then opened the locket. Inside was a small copy of the polaroid picture that Pawblo shot of himself and with Avocato and Little Cato.

He held the locked close to his heart and started to cry happily.

"Thank you SO MUCH! How did you even-"

"I love you."

"W-wait, what?"

Avocato then pulled Pawblo in for a kiss. It felt sweet and tender, everything that they both expected.

It only lasted for a few seconds. When they pulled away, the two stared at each other in amazement. It was truly the first time that Pawblo kissed someone other than his own pillow.

Pawblo giggled like a schoolgirl while Avocato laughed a bit. Little Cato peeked his head through the door and yelled, "Did you guys accept love? Did you two kiss? Tell me everything, dad!"

"Yeah, it happened."


Little Cato ran down the hallway, yelling "I'm telling the others!"

Pawblo felt like chasing him down before he told Quinn, Gary and especially KVN, but he let it go just this once.

Avocato pulled Pawblo in for another kiss.

It lasted for a long time, in their memories.

Hope you all enjoyed this two part oneshot "Hooked"! I actually enjoyed writing this one more.

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