Meeting Little Cato

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Avocato was hanging out with his son at their home, eating lunch together.

"Thanks for the sandwiches, Dad. They were good." Little Cato smiled with his eyes closed. Avocato felt happy that his son was so kind.

"You're welcome. Hey, listen. I have to work late tonight, and I won't be home until around midnight." Avocato scratched his neck.

"Aw, man! But you promised that we'd watch the Horror Movie Marathon on TV tonight!" Little Cato pouted. He felt a little sad about his Dad not being here for their time together, but he understood.

"I know, and I'll make it up to you somehow." Avocato patted his son's shoulder. "But for now, I got someone to look after you." Little Cato rolled his eyes.

"Dad, I'm 14. I don't need anyone looking after me. I'll be fine." He groaned. Avocato chuckled and said, "Oh I think you do. Especially after you almost burned the house down."

"That was ONE time! It never happened again!" Little Cato chuckled, having a flashback of the last time he was left to his own devices. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and Avocato's ears perked up. "Ah, that must be him." He got up from the chair almost too quickly. Little Cato became a little suspicious of his father.

"Uh, Dad? Where did you say you found this sitter again?" Little Cato eyed his dad.

Avocato turned to face him. "Oh! Uhhhh.......he's my......boyfriend."

Little Cato was surprised. "What?!? Since when did you—?!?"

"About two months. We planned on telling you but I was a little nervous that you wouldn't take it well so we decided to wait. But when I told him that I had work tonight, he offered to help. There's no one else available sooo...please don't be mad at me?" Avocato nervously chuckled.

Little Cato felt a little mad that his own Dad lied to him for two whole months, yet he felt a little bad knowing that he himself was a factor in why he was never introduced.

"Let's talk when you get back.", Little Cato said. "Let me meet him." He got up from his chair and walked over to the front door. Avocato nodded, as a sign of reassurance, as he opened the door. There stood a ventrexian with a cornflower blue hue of fur, wearing a light brown coat and long sleeve shirt. His jeans were dark blue.

"Hey, Avo!" The ventrexian pecked his lips on Avocato's. The serious ventrexian blushed.

"Hey, babe. Here he is. Little Cato, meet Pawblo. Pawblo, this is my son, Little Cato." Avocato smiled.

Pawblo turned to look at Little Cato and kneeled down. "Hey, there! I'm Pawblo. Your Dad told me all about you. Says you're quite the troublemaker." He chuckled as he raised his hand, offering a handshake. Little Cato looked up and down at him. Avocato glared at his son, giving him an obedient look. He rolled his eyes and shook his hand.

"Ooh, firm grip. You're a strong one, aren't you?", Pawblo said as he smiled. He soon stood back up and faced Avocato.

"Nice kid you got here, man. He's tough as nails."

Raised him right, didn't I?" Avocato smirked. "Anyways, are you sure you can handle this?"

"Nonsense. They need you at work. It's my day off anyway. Happy to help you out, babe."

Avocato smiled as he kissed Pawblo on the lips. "Thanks, Blueberry. Call me if you need anything, okay?"

Pawblo blushed. His fur made it visible for Little Cato to see. "I will. Don't worry!" He grinned.

Avocato nodded and turned to his son. "Stay out of trouble, okay? Listen to Pawblo."

Little Cato gave a thumbs up.

Avocato nodded, and soon walked out of the house. He got into his car and drove off to work.

Pawblo closed the front door and turned to Little Cato. "You hungry?"

"I just ate, so I'm good." Little Cato shrugged.

"Well, what do you wanna do?" Pawblo was curious.

"Is it okay if we I want to ask you a few things." Little Cato walked over to the couch and made space for Pawblo to sit.

"Sure. Whatever you want, Little Cato." Pawblo smiled as he got up and sat down next to him. "What do you want to know about me? Ask me."

Little Cato hummed a little in thought. "How did you and my Dad meet?" Pawblo thought about it for a minute before responding. "We met at my job....well, my old one. His car broke down and I was the only mechanic around. He was being flirty and he offered to take me out. And the rest is history, heheh." Pawblo grinned as he blushed a little. "Your Dad's quite the charmer."

Little Cato smiled. "Yup, sounds like him.'re a mechanic?"

"Something like that. I'm also a technician. I love working with all kinds of machinery." Pawblo nodded. "I'ts my passion and hobby!"

"Cool! One more you love my Dad?"

Pawblo felt a little flustered. "Uhh....yeah, I do. He's a grumpy guy, but deep down he's a softie. I love him." Little Cato felt at ease hearing that. "Thanks. I can tell you do. His past love interests were jerks. Except my Mom..........are you gonna be my new Mom???"

Pawblo began to stammer as his blush grew bigger. "W-what?!? Little Cato, that's t-too soon to say that!!!"

Little Cato's ears flopped a little. "Sorry,'s just been a while since my Dad's been happy like this. I'm just making sure that you really care for him, you know?" Pawblo sighed and placed a hand on Little Cato's shoulder. "Listen, kid......I love your Dad. He loves me and you too. But we've only been dating for two months, and it's been amazing! But.....I think I want to spend more time getting to know you both a little more. Especially you. You're a bright kid, and I can see your father's spirit in you." Pawblo smiled.

Little Cato felt happy hearing this. He quickly embraced Pawblo in a hug. Pawblo was taken by surprise with the boy's actions, but soon hugged him back.

"I'm glad you're here."

"Me too, kid. Me too. Now, what do you wanna do?"

"My Dad and I were gonna watch horror movies, you want to?" Little Cato's ears perked back up.

"Sure thing! I love a good scary movie every now and then." Pawblo chuckled.

"Nice! Okay, then!"

The two of them sat on the couch for the entirety of their time together, eating snacks and watching horror movies. When Avocato came home later that night, Pawblo said goodbye to both of them and headed home, promising them to hang out with them this weekend.

Avocato turned to see Little Cato heading to his room for some sleep. "Wait, son. Didn't you want to talk with me about Pawblo?"

Little Cato turned to face his son and smiled. "No need for that anymore, Dad. You picked a nice guy. You two are perfect for each other."

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