Movie Night v2

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Now with less backstory!

Pawblo was pretty excited.

Well, the only excited one on the Galaxy One.

Gary and Quinn were gonna plan the team's next adventure. Little Cato was heading to bed early because he was lazy. KVN agreed to shut himself off for once, and Mooncake hanged with Gary and Quinn.

And that left Pawblo alone with Avocato for a movie night. Best of all, Avocato actually agreed!

Pawblo grabbed a bottle of Gary's cologne and sprayed a bit on his neck, rubbing it and spreading the smell of "ocean breeze". He then proceeded to head down over to his room, as they planned to have the movie night there.

Pawblo walked in and soon saw Avocato sitting on the bed, looking for a movie on the TV they had bought.

"Oh, hey, Pawblo. Just looking for a movie on SpaceFlix", Avocato said.

Pawblo just stood there, spacing out about seeing Avocato and snapped out of it. "Yeah, yeah. Neat", he said.

They finally decided on a really old movie. Pawblo and Avocato just laid there on the bed, and they began to watch the movie.

To Pawblo, he wasn't really paying attention to the movie all that much. He was paying attention to Avocato.

It was those perfect aspects of him that attracted Pawblo. The eyes, the body, the sentiment feeling of looking out for his son and fellow crew members.

Even Pawblo himself.

Pawblo never really liked dudes that would only go out with a guy once and never again. Avocato was outgoing, and he was what Pawblo saw and wanted in a guy.

He was there. Both of them were. Avocato was (in Pawblo's head) the song to his mixtape, the apple to his eye, the sparkle in his star, and much more.

He felt like Avocato made him realize that there was more to him than he thought. And Pawblo was grateful and very romantically flattered about that.

And they were now here, the two of them. Both on the bed, watching a movie like best friends.

But Pawblo secretly wanted to be something more with him.

It was time.

It was time for Pawblo to tell Avocato that he liked him.

The movie was nearing the end. Pawblo snapped out of his daydreaming and reminiscing to say something.

"Hey, Avocato."


"Do you mind if I ask you....a question?"

Avocato smiled for a bit. "Yeah, man. Ask me anything."

Pawblo sighed and said. "Let's say that I have this friend that likes someone. But what if that someone  maybe possibly doesn't like them back?"

Avocato paused in silence for a bit before he gave an answer. "I believe that person should tell them anyway. If you can't hide your true feelings for someone, that means that you truly love that person." Avocato seemed calm.

Pawblo just stared into Avocato's eyes in amazement. He took notice and he smirked a bit. "Is there something you want to tell me?", he said.

Pawblo snapped out of it and realized that Avocato knew. "Well, uh........this is kind of awkward, isn't it?" He was pretty much blushing bright red.

Avocato caressed Pawblo's cheek and pulled him in for a kiss.

At this point Pawblo's eyes were widening into huge dinner plates.

The kiss lasted for a bit until they gasped for air.

"W-what just happened?", Pawblo stuttered. He couldn't believe that this happened.

"Love. That's what happened", Avocato said, smiling.

Pawblo smiled back and pulled Avocato into a hug. They embraced.

"Thanks for the advice, by the way."

"Anytime, baby."

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