Cuddles (Extended Edition)

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Pawblo was in his room, just in bed sleeping in for the Sunday. He was pretty tired as he and the crew went on one too many adventures in a day.

Avocato walked into the room and saw his adorable Blueberry sleeping in bed. He decided to just tease him for a while.

He tossed off his shirt and carefully laid down next to Pawblo, putting his face up close to his and whispering in his ear.

"Blueberry.....time to get up....."

Pawblo started responding to Avocato's whispering.

"Nnnnnnno. You get up."

"Come on, Pawblo, let me make you something to eat."

"Babe, I'm trying to sleep in."

"I can see that."

Pawblo, now being a little bothered by this, sat up, revealing that he was also shirtless.

Avocato kind of blushed a little at Pawblo's shirtless body and sat up as well.

"Sorry, Avocato, but it's just that I'm exhausted from all this adventuring. Sometimes I need a break from it all. Sleeping in, maybe writing a bit in my journal, all that stuff."

Avocato nodded a bit and said, "That's true. We all need a break from adventuring once in a while."

"And I need a break from you."

"I don't know whether to think of that as an offense or a compliment."

"Calm down, Avocato. You know I love you."

"I love you, too."

"Yeah, come here."

The two embraced in a small makeout session. Pawblo and Avocato loved every single minute of it. Their hands felt each other's fur and it was soft as a pillowcase filled with cotton candy and cotton swabs.

When they pulled away from the makeout session, they stayed quiet for a bit and stared at each other awkwardly.

"Well, that was....something all right."

"Yeah, you're such a great kisser.

"Thanks. It's been a while, Pawblo."

"I can tell."

They both laughed for a bit and remained quiet for a bit.

Avocato then placed his hands on Pawblo's.

"You know that I love you, right, Pawblo?"

Pawblo smiled and replied, "Yeah, of course! I love you very much."

"I'm glad that you know that. Just want to let you know matter what I have to do.....I will protect both of us from any harm...."

Pawblo was astounded about this.

"Avo, you would really do that for me?"

"Of course. You're the most amazing person I've ever met..."

Pawblo was blushing bright red at this point. "Right back at you, Avocato."

"Heh, you're adorable."

"No, you're adorable."

"You are!"

"No, YOU are!"

They both laughed and laid there in silence.

"So.....are you still in the mood to get up?"

"Nah, I'd rather be here with you today."

Avocato was about to playfully argue, but then realized that Pawblo had a darned good reason.

"You're right. We should sleep in."

"Exactly. I get to sleep in AND spend time with you. It's a win-win."

"A win-win for BOTH of us."

"Whatever, heh."

Pawblo lifted up the covers and let Avocato crawl into them. Avocato then clinged onto Pawblo's chest, feeling the fur.

Pawblo groaned a little in pleasure at Avocato's actions. He purred a little.

Avocato then held Pawblo in a hug and the two started to drift to sleep.

"I love you, Pawblo."

"I love you too, Avocato...."

Hope you guys enjoyed this extended version! I felt like the original was too short, so there.

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