An Awkward Encounter

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Pawblo and Avocato were in one of the spare bedrooms, giggling and making out. Their mouths kept pressing and touching against each other, sloppily but romantically.

"Avo, stop! We're going to get...mmmph...caught." Pawblo's eyes were closed, his mouth pressing against his lover's lips multiple times.

"I don't care, Blueberry. I love you!" Avocato was smiling and laughing a little. He was with the one he wanted to spend his whole life with. The two were kissing and hugging, and Pawblo was sliding his long sleeve shirt off.

Damn, he moves fast. I love it.

The two were going at it like teenagers on a hot summer nigh, laughing and smooching up a storm. Avocato lowered his hands and felt his lover's top curves and chest. Pawblo groaned loudly as he kissed Avocato passionately.

The door soon opened.

"Dad, are you in here--WOAH WOAH WOAH, WHAT THE FREAK?!"

Avocato and Pawblo stopped and turned to see Little Cato standing at the door, his eyes looking away.

"Dad, what's going on here? Why is Pawblo not wearing a shirt?? Why are you two on top of one another?!? I NEED ANSWERS!"

Pawblo pushed Avocato away and swiftly put his shirt back on. "See, Avocato?! I told you we were gonna get caught eventually!"

"We should've locked the door. It was both of our faults."

Little Cato interrupted. "Dad? Answers, please. What's going on?"

The two ventrexian adults sat on the edge of the bed, facing Avocato's son.

"Um....son, how about you sit here? Let's talk." Avocato patted the space in between him and Pawblo. Little Cato sighed and walked over, sitting down in between of his dad and Pawblo.

"You see, know how your mother left, right?"

"Why are you bringing this up?"

"It'll make sense. Promise. So when your mother left, she moved on and stopped loving me. She wasn't....happy....being with me anymore."

Little Cato remained quiet, his face making a confused gesture.

"And, well, she's probably somewhere with another person who she wants to be with. Are you getting it so far?

"Yes, Dad."

Pawblo was just looking around, scratching his own neck and nervously fidgeting.

"And this leads us to now. I don't love your mother anymore, and that's why I wanted to meet someone new. Someone who could protect not just me, but you too, if anything were to happen to me......."

Avocato then proceeded to pull Pawblo in and hold his hand.

".....and that someone is Pawblo."

Little Cato looked up at Pawblo and smiled a little.

"We've been dating for a while, since those first moments he and I met. Pawblo is a great guy, and--"

"No need to say anything else, Dad."

"Wait, what?"

"If you're happy, I'm happy."

Pawblo smiled, relieved at Little Cato's response. The three of them sat there, silently agreeing that this was going to work out well.

"Just one thing, guys....."

"Sure, son. Anything."

"What is it, small fry?"

Little Cato gagged a little. "Keep the door locked. I don't want to walk in on you two doing *it* EVER again."

They laughed.

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