Nurse Pawblo

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Suggested by badadadacato

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Suggested by badadadacato

Personality switch! Pawblo is more like Avocato and Avocato is more like Pawblo. Hope you enjoy!

Avocato was in bed, covered in blankets, blowing his nose into a tissue, continuing to drop it onto the floor like all the others.

Yup, he was sick.

While everyone else went on the daily adventure/scouting, he had to stay behind in the ship, snuggled up in bed and try to recouperate.

Little Cato wanted to stay behind and look after his father, but Avocato insisted on him going so that he wouldn't miss his daily does of excitement.

And so, he was alone.

Until he heard a knock on the door.

"Avocato? It's me, Pawblo."

Avocato was surprised to hear his voice. Why was Pawblo here? Why didn't he go with the others?

"Yeah, Pawblo. Come (achoo!) in."

Pawblo came in, not wearing his long light brown coat that he always wears. His shirt was dark brown with a light brown curved line hitting diagonally across the shirt.

Avocato was blushing like crazy, as he found Pawblo a little attractive, despite the fact that he had a small but huge crush on Pawblo.

"W-why aren't you with the others, man?"

"I felt like you needed help being taken care of, so I told the others and I ran back here."

Pawblo pulled out a trash bag and started picking up all the tissues on the floor.

"Why are you doing this, Pawblo? I and I don't talk much."

"I know that. I'm doing it so we can get to know each other more."

At this point, the floor was clean. Pawblo tied the bag shut and threw it aside near the door. "Well, that's done. Wait here, Avo."

"Not really going anywhere with this sickness,"

Pawblo laughed a little and left the room for a few seconds.

He then came back with a bowl of soup.

"Eat this. It's chicken noodle."

Avocato took the bowl into his lap carefully and ate a spoonful of the soup.

" for the food, Pawblo."

"Aw, shucks. It's my pleasure."

Avocato then felt like this was the right moment.

The moment he tells Pawblo about his true feelings for him.

"Hey, Pawblo?"

"What's up?"

"Do you....mind if....I (ACHOO!) tell you something?"

"First, bless you. Second, yeah. You know you can tell me anything?"

Avocato took a deep breath.

"Even if it means that it might impact our friendship?"

"Come on, Pawblo. You know both of us are best friends. Pretty sure that this won't affect us."

"All right, then."

Avocato took another deep breath.

"I.....I think.........I think I.....I'm in love with you."

Pawblo sat there, his eyes widened and a small blush of red on his face.

"Wow....uh......okay, wow. And I thought I was brave."

"You....don't have to like me back....I understand...."

"What? No, Avocato. I like you, too!"

Avocato looked up at Pawblo, both of them blushing bright red.

"You do?"

"Well, yeah. You're always nice around me, and you always care for your friends and son. What's not to like about you?"

Avocato was astounded by the words that Pawblo was saying.

"You're probably the most amazing person I've ever met."

Avocato was kind of crying at this point, his nose still sniffling mucus.

Pawblo held Avocato by his side and pecked his lips a little.

"I would do anything for you, Avocato."

Avocato was speechless. He was now with the love of his life.

"S-same (ACHOO!) here."

The two slept together, their clothes still on. They dreamed of each other, fighting battles and being a family across the galaxy.

Pawblo woke up sick the next morning.

But he didn't care.

He cared about making his Avocato happy.

Pawblocato One-Shots (Final Space)Where stories live. Discover now