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Pawblo woke up to the sound of Avocato's loud snoring. He sat up on the bed and watched as Avocato's nose twitched while he snored. His ventrexian lover was still asleep.

"Avo? You awake?"


Pawblo smirked, his eyes half closed. He was glad that his boyfriend was getting some rest. Their adventure in getting Little Cato back had taken a toll on both of them.

"Come on, Avocato. Wake up. Let's go get some grub."


Pawblo rolled his eyes and slid under the covers. He moved so that he was on top of Avocato. His lover opened one eye to see what was happening.

Avocato's eyes opened fully open before being half-open. Here he was. In bed. With the one he loved.

"What part of 'no' do you not understand, babe?" Avocato chuckled.

"Come on. It's the first day that you have your son back! You should go spend it with him." Pawblo crossed his arms as he rested on Avocato's chiseled and fit body.

"I want to spend it with you, though. We should both spend time with him." Avocato caressed Pawblo's ears with his hands.

"I'll be fine. I can hang out with him later. For now though, I want both of you to catch up." Pawblo gave him a peck on the lips and a reassuring smile.

Avocato blushed a bit. "Hey.....thank you. If it weren't for you....I probably would've never seen my son ever again."

Pawblo smiled. "No need to thank me. We started as friends....and we're lovers now. You know what we do? We support each other."

Avocato sat up on the bed more, holding Pawblo close while he did. ".......I love you."

Pawblo was in shock to hear this. Usually, Avocato said "I like you a lot" or something like that. But this was new.

"I.....I love you, too."

Pawblo leaned in closer to Avocato, and their lips met. The two began to hold each other as they kept kissing. Avocato wrapped his arms around Pawblo's neck. They let out a few groans of pleasure, until they pulled away for air.

Avocato was staring into Pawblo's eyes. They were filled with love, reassurance, and kindness. Pawblo giggled a little.

"I mean it. I love you, Pawblo."

"Love you too, Avocato."

They soon pressed their lips together again.

The bedroom door opened.

"Dad? Are you awake yet? Get—OH! Oh god!"

Both ventrexian men stopped kissing and turned around to see Little Cato, covering both of his eyes with his hands.

"S-so sorry, Dad. Pawblo. I'll just....uh....g-go." He soon ran away as the door shut itself.

Pawblo and Avocato turned to face each other again.


"Guess we better remember to lock the door sometimes, heh."

Pawblo crawled off of Avocato and sat up on the bed next to him. "I don't know about you, but....I think that left a bad impression of me for him."

"No it didn't. I can reassure you."

"It's just.....what if I'm not good with kids? Am I supposed to feed him? Tuck him into bed? Go on the highest rollercoaster at a theme park with him?" Pawblo chuckled. He held Avocato's hand. "I don't know if I....I can do this. Can I really be a parent?"

Avocato pressed his lips on Pawblo's cheek. "I know you can. He'll be happy to have you as that kind of role model."

Pawblo smiled. "Thanks, baby."

"Anytime, Blueberry. Now come on. Let's go spend time with him. Together."

Pawblo smiled brightly. ".......Sure thing."

Pawblocato One-Shots (Final Space)Where stories live. Discover now