Hooked (Part 1)

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Note: I suck at writing titles. XD 🤣👌🏼🔥

This is a two part one shot. Part 2 is out tomorrow!

Also I'm pretty sure that this is the longest one I have written.

*for now.......HUEHUEHUEHUE*

Little Cato was bored.

It's been two days since he was rescued by his father and the crew of the Galaxy One. And it's also the time that he was saved by Pawblo.

To him, Pawblo was a weird person. He was fun, and they  sometimes did things together, like kick some alien butt or fix up an old circuit board. But when it came to not spending time with him, Pawblo was a strange one.

He especially acted nervous around his father, Avocato.

Little Cato thought that Pawblo hated his dad, thinking that they were against each other being near each other at all times. But one time Little Cato noticed something out of the ordinary.

Whenever Pawblo accidentally bumped into his dad, he started nervously saying sorry and stammering nonsense. Avocato was clueless every time, except for Little Cato, who would discreetly watch what happened every SINGLE TIME.

At this point, Little Cato really wanted to know what was up.

And that was why he was sneaking around Pawblo's room while said person was distracted by cleaning up the weapons and gear.

He had searched every nook and cranny of Pawblo's room, and he couldn't find anything.

And then, out of the corner of his eye, spotted the Holy Grail.

Like, literally. The Holy Grail. Also known as Pawblo's journal, but he heard Pawblo call it the Holy Grail one time.

Little Cato laughed a bit and walked over to it. He looked by the door to see if Pawblo would walk in and scold him, but nothing.

He then proceeded to read the journal.

He opened it up to the page where the leather bookmark was on and read:

Well, it's been a few months since I joined the crew. And aw, man, it's awesome! Everyone is so nice, making me feel welcome and everything.....Even Avocato.

He's been really kind to me, and I think I'm taking a liking to him....I don't know why, maybe it's just me being my usual bisexual self, but I don't think so.....

Maybe this time, I found someone I want to be with for the rest of my life.

Little Cato was surprised when he read it.

He stayed in silent for a minute.

He grabbed the journal and ran into his room, as he continued to read the rest of its contents.

A week later......(freaking timeskips are amazing look at what it does to modern books and society's films as we know it its incredible okay back to the story)

Pawblo was talking with Gary about life while Avocato was nearby, just doing his own thing. Pawblo stopped the conversation every now and then to see if Avocato was still there.

"Hey, Pawblo?", Little Cato called out from his room. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Pawblo kinda seemed doubtful about going to talk with him, but he pulled through and told Gary that he'll be right back.

As Pawblo walked into Little Cato's room, he saw what he was holding in his hand: his journal.

The one that had gone missing for
At this point, Pawblo was blushing and stammering like crazy.

"Y-you didn't r-read it or even g-glance at a page at it, d-did you?!", he stammered.

Little Cato sighed and confessed.

"Yup. Every page."

"Please don't tell your dad. I want to tell him on my own-"

"Can you listen to me? For a little, Pawblo?"

Pawblo realized that this was serious. So he kept his mouth shut.

"I've read it. And I even stole it to continue said reading. To be honest with you.....you're perfect for my dad."

Pawblo was silent. The only thing that was surprised were his eyes, as they were extending like string cheese.

"He's been alone for some time now.....He needs someone to love and be there for him. And after reading everything in your journal......I think you're loving enough to love my dad."

Pawblo fell down to his knees and started sniffling a little. "You really think he's perfect for me?", Pawblo said.

Little Cato tackled him a bit with a huge hug.

"I think he is. Totally."

The two hugged in silence for a bit, embracing like father-son for about a minute.

Outside, Avocato was sitting near the door. He had heard the entire conversation.

"I think.....he is perfect for me, too....", said Avocato.

He looked at a polaroid photo that Pawblo had taken for them. It was Pawblo holding the camera selfie style, with Avocato and his son in the background, all while making funny faces.

A single tear fell down Avocato's eye.

He whispered a single line.

"I love you, Pawblo....."

To be continued!

Part 2 is coming TOMORROW!

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