After The Date

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This has no relation to the Date oneshot that I made a while ago.

Pawblo and Avocato walked up to Avo's apartment door.

"Thanks for the dinner slash movie. Pretty romantic, if you ask me." Pawblo's hands were in his jacket pocket.

"My pleasure, Blueberry. I'm kind of glad that we're a thing, you know? It's been a while since I've felt anything like this, heh."

Pawblo felt a blush on his face. He was flattered. "I'm glad that I feel the same way."

Avocato smiled and pulled out the house key. He soon realized something that he had to tell Pawblo. "Hey, before we go should know something."

"Uhh....okay? What is it?"

"I......I have a son."

Pawblo was shocked to hear this just now. "What the....? You didn't think to tell me when we started going out??"

Avocato felt a little ashamed to say that his boyfriend was right. "I know, I know! It's just that....Every person I tried dating these past few years have done nothing but dump me after the first date. Especially since I bring up that I have a son. I figured that this time I'd just....not bring him up at all. Oh my gosh, I sound stupid." He covered his face with his hands in distress.

Pawblo brought his hands down. "Okay.....I get it. I understand. It's fine, baby. Don't worry about it."

"W-what?" Avocato was still concerned.

"It's okay! If we're being honest, I'm a little excited to meet him. Could be fun." Pawblo placed his hands back into his jacket pockets.

"......Y-yeah, it could be. friendly. Been a while since I introduced anybody to him. Last time didn't really go so well." Avocato shrugged.

"Whatever you say, Avo. I'm okay with this. Really."

Avocato nodded his head and unlocked the door. There they see Avo's son playing video games on the TV. The kid turned his head to smile at his father.

"Hey, Dad! Welcome....who is that?"

The two grown men walked into the apartment.

"Son, this is.....Pawblo. We've been dating for a few weeks now. He's my, uh, boyfriend." Avocato scratched his cheek fur.

Pawblo waved his hand. "Uh, hey there. Nice to meet you, kid." He smiled warmly.

The kid paused his game and stood up. "I'm Little Cato. Nice to meet you, too." He smiled lightly.

Pawblo noticed the TV screen. "Is that the new Darkmaster game?"


Pawblo shrugged. "I was a fan a while back. Been a while since I've played any video games, really."

Little Cato sat back on the couch and held up a second controller. "Do you....want to play?"

Pawblo tossed his coat onto the couch and hopped onto it. "You betcha!"

Little Cato smiled at his Dad. A sign of reassurance, a signal meaning You picked a good one, Dad.

"I'm gonna make you guys some dinner. That okay?"

Pawblo and Little Cato yelled in unison. "Okay!"

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