Mixtape Education

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Originally titled "Music".

Pawblo was in his room, looking through his things, finding something to do. As everyone had their own thing going on, Pawblo wanted to find something of his own to do.

He then found the right things he needed to keep him occupied: his tape player/recorder and cassette tape. He placed the cassette tape into the slot closed the lid and hit play. A song started to play.

Pawblo laid down on his bed and closed his eyes, listening to the music and humming to it's melodious tempo.

He then heard a knock on his bedroom door, and he shrugged off the fact that whoever was on the other side was interrupting his session. Pawblo got up and opened the door.

It was Avocato.

"Hey, Pawblo. Are you doing anything? Just wanted to know, because I'm bored as heck."

Pawblo began blushing a bright red, and he stuttered, "Y-yeah, I'm just kicking back to some music, you c-can come in!"

Avocato walked into Pawblo's room, and noticed the tape player where the music was coming from. "What is that?"

"Wait, you've never seen a tape player before?"

"What even IS a tape player?"

Pawblo ran towards the tape player, and hit the pause button. He then brought the tape player to Avocato.

"I found it at a junkyard sale back when I lived in Tera Con Prime. You know, before I met you and the others."

Avocato simply had the same questioning face. "Okay, but what is it?"

"It's way before digital music and CDs. Old school, you get me?"

He took out the tape from the player and handed it to Avocato. He inspected it, eyeing the label on it that said Pawblo's Jams, with that same look on his face.

"This is the weirdest thing I've ever seen."

He handed Pawblo the tape back. Pawblo then slid the tape back into the slot, closed the lid and hit play again.

The music returned to its original state before being pause.

Avocato stood there, listening to the song. He hummed a bit and tapped his foot a little.

Pawblo saw this reaction and laughed. "What is this?"

"Obviously not dancing."

"Come on, you got to put more effort into your dancing!"

"I don't dance."

"Probably because you never tried it."

"Well, I don't really think that...."

Avocato was interrupted by Pawblo grabbing his hands and pulling him into the center of the room.

"Come on, just move your body to the beat! It's that easy!"

Avocato lazily moved his hips a little. "Like this?"

"Yeah, now you're getting it!"

The two danced a for a while until the song ended. Soon, a slow song started to play.

Pawblo stood there like an idiot, blushing like crazy.

"Wait, you don't know how to slow dance?"

Pawblo just stood there and shook his head, implying no.

"Well, I'm here. Lets practice."

Pawblo began to blush and sweat like crazy.

"I thought you d-didn't know how to dance."

"Details, details. It's been a while, okay?"

Pawblo rolled his eyes and continued the conversation. "S-so what do I do?"

"First, you place your hands on the other's waist."

Pawblo slowly placed his hands on Avocato's waist.

"What's next?"


Avocato raised his arms and placed them around Pawblo's shoulders and neck.

"I place my arms around your shoulders and neck."


"We sway to the slow beat."

Avocato and Pawblo began to sway their hips to the slow song, every now and then spinning around like that ballroom scene from Beauty And The Beast.

Pawblo was loving every minute of it. The mood, the fact that Avocato had his arms around him. It was amazing.

When the song ended, they remained in the same position, standing alone in the room with no music.

Avocato kind of blushed a bit and said. "It's getting a little late. I should probably head to..."

Pawblo grabbed his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. Avocato was surprised by this.

When Pawblo let go and pulled away, he felt flustered. "Sorry, it's just that......I've wanted to do that for a while now......"

Avocato blushed a bit. He smirked and said, "Don't be sorry."


"That was perfect."

Avocato then returned the kiss by pressing his lips against Pawblo's.

Pawblo felt dumbfounded, but soon melted into the kiss.

The two felt like they found who they wanted to be with their whole life. And they definitely knew it.

Pawblo and Avocato pulled away, both in love.

"Do you....want to do this again sometime?", Avocato asked.

Pawblo placed his hands on Avocato's.

"I would love that."

Was this adorable or WHAT?!?!

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