High School AU (Part 1)

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This is Part One of the last oneshot for this collection. Hope you enjoy!

Pawblo, you're late. Again."

Pawblo walked into the class and tripped, but did not fall.

"So sorry, Mr. Jack! I'll head to my desk now!"

The purple-ish furred ventrexian organized his binder and belongings and scurried over to his desk in the back.

Where the heck are my glasses?

Pawblo patted his two coat pockets until he found them, finally placing them on his eyes.

"Now that the lesson is now fully UNinterrupted, we'll continue our lesson on analyzing Romeo & Juliet....."

The small rotund teacher began talking and facing the board. Pawblo straightened his glasses and pulled out his notebook and began to rapidly take notes, but was soon distracted by an attractive sight.

Avocato (one of the other ventrexians in the room) was taking notes but yet he was also spacing out and not paying attention all that much. For some reason, he always kept to himself. Pawblo liked that about him, and the fact that he played on the school's football team made him feel nervous about even talking to him.

".....and that concludes our lesson."

Aw crud! I didn't pay attention at all today!

"Now as you all know, here at the Infinity Guard Academy, we love to encourage working with others. And so, this leads me to assign a duo project."

Wait, what? A....d-duo project?

"I will be assigning you all to just one partner. You are all tasked on creating an essay on any event that has taken place in the Elizabethian era, in between the years 1558 and 1603. It is due in one week, next Friday."

That's pretty easy. If I get assigned to a slacker, I might as well do all the—

"Alright. First duo that I am assigning is.......Pawblo!"

Pawblo heard his name and nervously looked up. "Y-yes, Mr. Jack?"

"Let's see. Who should I pair you up with? It should be......Avocato!"


Pawblo began to nervously fidget and blush but remained calm. He wondered what he did to deserve this level of coolness AND embarrassment.

He heard a snicker from the far side of the room. "Look, Avocato got paired with the nerd." The whole class erupted in laughter.

"Students, stay silent! I SAID SILENT!"

The room went quiet. Pawblo looked up ahead to see Avocato roll his eyes, looking back at you but smiling. As if he was alright with this.

"If interruptions are no longer a problem, I shall move on with choosing partners! Lets see here.....Tribore can be paired with..."


Pawblo walked out from campus and caught up to his human brother, Gary.

"Is Dad picking us up today?"

"Nah, Pawbro. He's busy at the Infinity Guard this week."

"I guess we're walking. It must suck that you're a class ahead of me and almost graduating."

"I know! Can you believe that?! I thought I was failing! Thought I would never stand a chance!"

"Well you do now, older brother."

"So anyway. How was English? Decided to ask your boy crush out?"

"Well, i-it was......complicated."

Gary laughed a little and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You can tell me all about it at home while I order us some—!"

"Hey, Pawblo!"

The two both turned around to find and greet the source of the voice.

And there he was. Avocato running up to Pawblo.

Pawblo was sweating and fidgeting again.

End of Part One! Part Two of this final oneshot is coming soon!

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