Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Please!" Hoseok begged as Jungkook rolled his eyes. The prince jutted out his lower lip as he looked at the guard.

Jungkook scoffed, "If you were gonna be desperate enough to steal my date, couldn't you have at least found a way to contact them without my help?"

Hoseok huffed and cleaned his fingernails on his dress shirt, "Shut up, we gays gotta be there for each other. And listen, you have really good taste in guys. Just help a hom(o)ie out."

"Fine," the guard sighed. "Just show up in the place you met tomorrow night at midnight. He'll meet you there."


"Midnight? Are you serious?" Yoongi whined as Jungkook leaned against his doorframe. "I'm really getting tired of losing my beauty sleep."

"Sucks to suck," Jungkook chuckled and pushed himself to stand up straight. "Anyway, that's all I really had to say. Later, loser."

Yoongi growled, "So being the only guy at the Palace who knows my true identity doesn't even push you to try and interact with me more? It's been so long since someone called me by my name, and you're just going to walk away?"

"Didn't realize you were gonna be such a whiny princess about it," Jungkook stopped to respond to Yoongi. "Besides, I called you by your name yesterday. It's hasn't been that long."

Yoongi huffed and crossed his arms over his chest, "Asshole."

Jungkook winked, "It's what I'm best at. Now I really do gotta go. I am a Palace guard."

The older rolled his eyes, "Fine, whatever, go do your job."

"Aye aye, captain," Jungkook gave one last snarky remark- that was totally not as snarky as his snarky remarks used to be- and left.

Yoongi sighed, his entire being deflating. As much of a douche Jungkook could be, he was fun to have around; especially now that Jungkook knew who he truly was. He made Yoongi stand on guard and allowed for him to be snappy without remorse. It was all lighthearted, anyway.

"God, I can't believe I'm stuck going on another date with Hoseok!" Yoongi shouted as he fell back, head smashing into the headboard.

Now that was a slam dunk.


Yoongi rubbed his sore head, the blue beanie covering his head moving with his fingers. He sighed as he pulled over the black hood of his hoodie. Shouldn't have slammed your head into the headboard twice, you dumbass.

"Why am I not surprised to see you dressed like this?" Hoseok asked, eyeing Yoongi's grey sweatpants.

Yoongi shrugged, his dangling earrings shaking with him, "I didn't feel like trying."

Hoseok chuckled as he looked at his own plain white shirt, red flannel, and dark jeans, "I guess I could say the same thing. Besides, I had something easy planned today."

The older yawned like the dramatic bitch he was, "Good, 'cause I'm sleepy."

"Don't go falling asleep on me now," Hoseok pouted. "Who else will teach me the differences between the movies and the books?"

The confused but closeted gay tilted his head like a lost kitten, "Wait, do you mean-"

The prince smiled and extended his hand out to Yoongi, "C'mon Henry, the first Harry Potter movie is waiting for us in the theater."

And the closeted king sprinted past the prince, no hesitation when it came to watching his favorite movie. Besides, if they were going to watch all of the movies, he wanted to get a move on so that he could ogle at Newt Scamander for hours on end without it being questioned. Oh, but do remember, he's totally not gay.

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