Chapter Nine

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"If I call your name, please stand up," the lady announced. Yoongi watched as eight girls stood up, glancing around in confusion. The lady smiled widely, her eyes no longer even visible. It was almost similar to Jimin's eye smile, but something seemed off... "All of you are dismissed. Please pack your things and leave by tonight. This has been the first elimination."

With that, she left the room.

The eight girls burst into tears as the dining hall turned into chaos. Yoongi stared in front of him at the delicious food now gone cold. God how he wished he was at home.


God how he wished he was at home.

Jimin panted as he wiped a stream of sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. He brushed it off on his pants and then ran a hand through his sweat-soaked hair. He was so exhausted.

"You tired already, Min?" The commander asked, sternly.

Jimin instantly saluted and was standing as straight as can be, "No, sir."

The commander sneered, "Good," and then walked away.

Jimin huffed and puffed once he was in the clear. He looked around at the rest of the people. They were all men, and he was just a boy.

He was just a kid.


"How was your first palace meal?" Hoseok asked.

Yoongi jumped so high as he entered his room only to find Hoseok sprawled across his temporary bed, reading a book. He placed a hand over his chest and glared at the crowned prince. He could really be a pain at times.

"It was cold, thanks to someone creating a commotion," Yoongi answered, salty.

Hoseok closed his book and sat up with a grin, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Really, Hoseok? Eight girls? Eight?" Yoongi spat.

The prince sighed and rolled his eyes, "They all were too greedy for the crown. Might as well let them go early."

"Right," Yoongi said as he walked further into his room. He made sure the door was locked before heading to the closet. He was going to see if they had any pants because he physically could not last any longer in a dress. "Anyways, what are you doing in my room?"

Yoongi searched through the closet and picked out some pants. He guessed that the maids probably got them for him. He placed them in front of him to see if they were the pair he should wear.

"Technically it's my room," Hoseok retorted.

"Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean," Yoongi waved him off.

Hoseok chuckled softly and then let the bomb drop, "Let's go on a date."

Yoongi lost his hold on the pants as they toppled to the floor in a split second. He cleared his throat and choked out, "W-what?"

"Let's go on a date," Hoseok smiled brightly. "I need to start going on dates with all the contestants. Since I actually like you and you know I'm gay, I say we go on a date!"

"You're not making any sense," Yoongi muttered. "How hard did you get fucked up the ass last night?"

Hoseok grimaced, "Don't forget I'm still a virgin, noona. I think you're way too comfortable with me."

"Not my fault," Yoongi shrugged. It was true, Yoongi was way too comfortable with Hoseok. He has no idea why, though. It just feels like he's known him forever. Maybe that's it.

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