Chapter Twenty-Five

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"So, how's everything going with the girls?" Namjoon asked awkwardly as he sat down across from his cousin before getting down to business.

Hoseok rolled his eyes and sighed, "Alright, I guess..."

Namjoon pursed his lips and leaned forward with his chin resting on his hands and his elbows propped atop the table. Hoseok looked away and started to bring out the paperwork they needed. Namjoon exhaled dramatically, "Why don't you just come out to your parents? Then maybe they could do a Selection with the gender you're actually attracted to."

Hoseok froze. His breathing completely stopped, his eyes were wide open, and his toes were toes. Did Namjoon just-

"Sorry!" The younger piped apologetically. He sat up straight and gave his cousin a heartwarming smile, "I didn't mean to freak you out. I know you haven't come out to family. I just always... figured. Ever since we were younger."

"Oh," Hoseok said. He didn't know what to say. "Um, how?"

"Well, you did have a crush on that one kid whose parents were the cooks in the Palace-"

"Oh my god, I did not have a crush on Taehyung-"

"Oh you so fucking did! There were two kids, and you just said only one of their names. You totally had a crush on Taehyung!"

"I did not."

"Did too!"

"Did not."

"Did too!"



The younger wiggled his brows suggestively, and the funny look on Namjoon's face just made Hoseok crack up. He glared quickly after.

"Fine, I had a crush on Taehyung. So what? He was cute," The prince finally surrendered.

Namjoon laughed, "What? Is the kid not cute anymore?"

Hoseok shook his head, "Nah, he's hot, but he's too sweet for a hookup. He deserves someone who will take care of him and treat him right. Not someone who will shove their tongue down his throat and then abandon him to marry a girl." Namjoon raised an unimpressed brow. Hoseok quickly added in a mumble, "And his brother Seokjin is scary protective over him."

"So, is Taehyung openly gay?" Namjoon asked.

Hoseok nodded, "Yeah, he's a makeup artist here. His older brother took up the cook role after their parents passed away. Mom really likes his cooking."

"That's kinda sad," Namjoon said, slightly frowning. "Imagine taking the place of your parents after they die and having no choice of your future role in life."

Hoseok straight-panned the other, "That's literally my life dude."

Namjoon gasped and placed a hand over his mouth in shock, "Oh shit, sorry bro. I forgot your life lowkey sucked."

The older waved him off, "Whatever. How are things going for you?"

Namjoon groaned in the same way a wannabe angsty teen would when feeling lonely, "You would think being bi would open up many doors, but I'm lonelier than ever."

"Ha, sucks to suck."

"You suck. Literally, probably."

"Yeah, but at least I had a date last night," Hoseok boasted proudly. He leaned back against his chair in what one could only describe as 'big dick energy.'

Namjoon scoffed and pouted, "Of course you have a chick pool of thirty-five beautiful girls and still manage to score a date with a guy on the side. Was he hot?"

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