Chapter Thirty-One

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Y'all gotta thank Butter for finally getting to finish writing this chapter. Sorry it's been nearly three months since my last update. A lot has been changing with my job, and (legally this is how much I can say) someone I considered a good friend got involved with the law (in the wrong way). I was originally so disturbed that writing was hard, and then writing anything that wasn't Harry Potter caused my anxiety levels to raise absurdly. To say the least, I have one less friend and that kinda sucks. I just wanted to let you know there has been valid reasoning for me taking forever to update this book. There are quite a few new readers, so hello to everyone!

Jungkook groaned as he heard his alarm go off. Sometimes he wished he could sleep forever, but too bad he was a sexy motherfucker who had to work his ass off to make it look nice. Or something like that.

The boy rolled over to shut off the alarm and then sat up, grumpy. And there he went, going about his day like he always did. Another day just like the rest.

"No skanky boy on our couch this morning?" Somi asked as she leaned against the counter, watching Jungkook make breakfast. She was sporting athletic clothing, the sweat rolling down her neck a clear indication that she just came back from a run.

"You know he's not a skank," Jungkook replied as he continued chopping carrots. He then stopped and looked at his cousin. "A bit early for a morning run, isn't it?"

Somi rolled her eyes as she pushed herself away from the counter. She moved past her cousin lazily to the fridge, crouching down to get a cold bottle of water, "Nobody said you could be the only one around here that gets to be all macho." She then unscrewed the bottle and downed about half of it. "Glad you're making something with more veggies today. Trying to get fit but only having oily food to eat doesn't provide the best of results."

"Then maybe you should try cooking something for yourself," Jungkook teased. He slid the sliced carrot pieces into the boiling pot with ease before placing the kitchen knife and cutting board down.

Somi pouted and started walking up the stairs to head to the bathroom to shower, "Yeah, hard pass on that one. You better make some salad on the side with that!"

Jungkook chuckled and continued making breakfast, WITH some salad on the side for his pesky little cousin.

"Hey, clocking in," Jungkook told the commander of the capital guards.

The commander nodded, "You've been requested to change posts today, Jeon. Jinyoung has already taken your spot."

Jungkook frowned in confusion, "Why? I hardly ever change posts."

"Well, it seems that the King's nephew wanted you, and only you, to be watching over him today," the commander answered his question. "I'm not really sure as to what the reason for that is, but I'm not questioning any orders from the royal family."

Jungkook's brows jumped up in surprise, "Namjoon requested me?"

"Is it really that surprising that I would request you?" Namjoon asked snottily, arms crossed and chin jutting out. He peered down his nose at Jungkook, greatly resembling his aunt in his look of slight disgust. He was a few centimeters taller than Jungkook; which allowed for Jungkook's annoyance to raise as he was forced to see up his ex's nostrils.

Jungkook snorted, "Well yeah, I gotta say I'm quite shocked." Namjoon's nose twitched at this. "Well, it's not every day that the ex that hates your guts asks you to be his watchdog."

"You're not my watchdog," Namjoon tutted. He drops his head to align with Jungkook's. "You know that. I've always made that clear."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "We're not dating anymore. You don't have to get all sentimental about this."

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