Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Those have to be the most intense eye bags I've seen yet," Yoongi remarked as Taehyung turned to him with a makeup sponge in one hand and a concealer applicator in the other, "and that's saying something considering how bad my eyes bags are today."

Taehyung frowned and continued applying Yoongi's makeup, "That's not very nice, and sweetie, your eye bags are as bad as mine."

Yoongi snorted, "Well I barely got any sleep last night. Why are yours so bad?"

"We tried doing that ritual again," Taehyung muttered in concentration. "Couldn't figure out what went wrong the first time around."

The selectionist made no noise as his beyond exhausted brain failed to process what his makeup artist said, "Awe, well that sucks. There's always next time."

"Yeah," Taehyung stepped back and then went to grab some powder, "I just wish there wasn't a next time. Staying up all night isn't ideal. Besides, it's nearly impossible to get so many naked mole rats for the ritual over and over again."

Yoongi opened his mouth to further question just what exactly Taehyung was fucking going on about, but he slowly closed it as he changed his mind. Probably for the better.

"Why were you up all night? Hot date?" The makeup artist arched a curious brow as he grinned playfully.

Yoongi's face and neck flushed a cherry red as he sputtered rapidly, "W-what? No!"

"Ooo, that rejection was too fast. Wow, you really do blush hard. I can see it through the foundation. Anyway, so who's the guy?" Taehyung giggled. He then widened his eyes and leaned in closer to whisper, "Or was it a girl?"

Yoongi then scowled as he lightly pushed Taehyung away, "No, it wasn't a girl. And no, I did not go on a date last night. I was up all night... making a gift for the prince.'

"Oh, I didn't realize you were a romantic, Hyunjoo," the younger then returned to making Yoongi look like the true goddess of Illea. "What's the gift?"

Yoongi tried not to growl in annoyance. He never quite realized how chatty Taehyung could be, but he guesses that's because he was always interested in whatever he had to say. He never was questioned to this extent by the boy.

"It's a surprise," Yoongi lied straight through his teeth. "Wouldn't want to ruin it."

Taehyung made a noise that reflected that he was impressed by Yoongi, "Min Hyunjoo, I really hope you win this competition."

Yoongi shivered inwardly as he said, "Yeah, me too. I'm putting way too much effort in this thing to leave with nothing." The younger rolled his eyes at the last statement. He hummed a soft tune under his breath as he finished doing the boy's makeup. Yoongi tapped his fingers, rhythm syncing with Taehyung's humming in the meantime. It was a nice little musical moment. Wow, it's almost like they could have been in a boy band together or something.

"So, why do we have to look like Bratz dolls today?" The selectionist finally asked when Taehyung finished adding the last touches to Yoongi's makeup.

"From what I've heard, there's going to be another elimination today. You know, from the presentation night. It's taken a while because they had to sit through and rewatch them all. I've heard that Prince Hoseok even had his sister and mother help him wade through them all. My hyung said this is going to be one of the biggest eliminations. He was informed of how many people are leaving since he has to prepare their meals that they'll take on the way back home. They should be leaving before dinner today," Taehyung answered as he put all of his makeup and supplies away.

Yoongi gritted his teeth. If the stupid queen helped Hoseok pick out who to eliminate, it's possible— nah, it definitely means— that Yoongi was brought up as a candidate to eliminate. He's only lucky that his persona of his sister and the prince are friends, and there's also the fact that Hoseok's sister is determined to counter her mother in any way shape, or form just to aguáitate her.

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