Chapter Ten

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How Jimin got himself in this situation, he has no idea.

"Shit," he grunted as his legs dangled underneath him. His only option was to try to swing them forwards to gather some friction and climb upwards.

What's going on, you ask?

Oh, well, Jimin's kind of just hanging off a cliff. No biggy. It's not like he could totally die any second, but he could totally die any second. (Literally starts the chapter on a cliffhanger.)

"C'mon, Jimin," the now seventeen-year-old hissed to himself. He gritted his teeth and reestablished his grip on the hard stone above him with his hands, "you got this. No matter how hard your life seems right now, Yoongi must be having an even harder time."

Meanwhile back at the capital~

"Hm, I don't think there's enough food," Yoongi joked as he settled down on the blanket in the secluded area of the garden.

Hoseok grinned at him as he sat down next to him. He had ordered many different dishes, including his favorite simple dessert of chocolate covered strawberries. The prince glanced over to see Yoongi's sparkling gaze on the food in front of them.

"I guess I could order more," Hoseok played along. "If you want."

"Your majesty," a maid bowed her head and then held out the basket of all fluffy things, "I have brought the blankets and pillows you asked for."

Hoseok smiled in appreciation, "Thank you, go ahead and set them down right there."

The maid did as ordered and then scurried off back inside the palace. Hoseok reached out and grabbed the softest pillow he could find and offered it to Yoongi. The elder grabbed it and placed it under his toosh for comfort. He was then handed a light but soft blanket that grazed his skin in the most gentle of ways. Yoongi wrapped it around his shoulders loosely and then turned to Hoseok.

"Well, let's eat!" Hoseok clapped his hands together and watched as Yoongi grabbed a plate and served himself more food than he could eat enthusiastically.

So yeah, which brother truly had it worse?

"Woah, slow down there," Hoseok chuckled. "Might not leave any food for the rest of us here."

Yoongi grabbed a bread roll and stuffed his mouth with it before replying, "You could always get more."

"You'd probably finish that too," Hoseok laughed. Yoongi shrugged in acceptance. This caused Hoseok to laugh even harder. "Do you like the food at least?"

"No, it's disgusting," Yoongi said in a serious tone. He then broke off into a sweet smile. "Of course I like it, you dipshit. It's food, who wouldn't like it?"

Hoseok rolled his eyes and grinned at him, "You're probably the only person in this country who would even dare to call me dipshit. Well, maybe my cousin would, but he doesn't matter right now."

Yoongi shrugged and then moved on to the salad. Believe or not, Yoongi actually cared about his figure.

gOtTA sTaY hOt MaN oR eLsE hOsEoK WiLl nEvEr LoVe yOu

"This is gonna sound out of nowhere, but today's actually my brother's birthday," Yoongi commented. His lips twitched up into a small smile until a sigh escaped him. "I hope he's enjoying it."


Scraped and bruised up, Jimin clung to the alcove he managed to get to. Although his small body could rest in this area, he couldn't stay here forever. He was still technically hanging off a cliff.

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