Chapter Six

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"So, um, about what you just saw..." Hoseok coughed awkwardly as he stood in front of Yoongi.

Jungkook had bolted away to go back on duty as soon as Hoseok mentioned having a talk. Hoseok glared at the boy but then glanced back at Yoongi and decided it would be better to clear things up in the boy's temporary room.

"Are you gay? Bi? Maybe even pan?" Yoongi asked nonchalantly. He then tsked. "Hm, you might even be- oh please don't tell me you're just experimenting. Don't be an ass."

Hoseok blinked in surprise and blushed, "N-no, no of course not! I-I'm fully g-gay."

"Oh, that's cool."

"H-how are you so calm about this?" Hoseok asked hesitantly. He then got quieter. "L-like, you just caught me making out with a guard. Why aren't you freaking out yet?"

Yoongi shrugged, "I don't really care. My brother's gay, so I'm used to shit like that, I guess. I mean, not that I've seen him eating another guy's face before, but he's always talking about cute guys to me, even though I tell him I don't give a shit about them." Hoseok raised a curious brow at this, but Yoongi only continued, clearly forgetting he was supposed to be Hyunjoo right now. "Oh god, you have no idea how many gay dreams he has about you. He's practically in love with you. He's kind of the one who convinced me to join this thing. I didn't really think I would get in or that I had a chance with you, but oh well, amirite?"

"Are you gay?" Hoseok questioned, his curiosity skyrocketing the more Yoongi talked.

Yoongi instantly shook his head violently, "Hell no. I don't have anything against gays and shit, but I'm not gay. I'm as straight as a ruler."

"Some rulers can be bent," Hoseok contradicted.

Yoongi glared at him, "You know what I mean."

"So you're just not interested in boys?" Hoseok confirmed. Yoongi nodded. "Then why'd you join the selection, Hyunjoo-noona?"

And that's the moment where Yoongi realized he slipped up. SHIT, ABORT, ABORT, ABORT FUCKING MISSION!


Awkward silence.

"You joined it for the money, didn't you?"


"What caste are you in?" Hoseok asked, now starting to find the girl- who's actually a boy- intriguing.

Yoongi frowned and shrugged, "Seven, but we're pretty good for seven to be honest. Still could be a lot better. I don't think my family and I have had a solid meal in a while."

Hoseok stared at the girl- who again, is actually a boy- caringly and with a soft expression, "I see. Tell me more about your family."

"Are you just interested in my brother because he's gay?"

"What? No! Of course not!"


"How old is he?"

"He's sixteen, too young for you," Yoongi stuck out his tongue and then crossed his arms over his chest. "Besides, there's no way I'd let you get anywhere near him."

Hoseok pouted, "You're no fun. He's only two years younger than me!"

"Well, a little less than two years, but I'm only saying this because he's a fetus, and I'm concerned about your safety," Yoongi replied. "Let's not forget the fact that he's been in love with you for practically his entire gay existence."

"Cute," Hoseok grinned.

Yoongi made a sour expression, "Not cute. Anyways, are we done chatting? Because if we are, feel free to go back to making out with your secret lover or whatever. Don't worry, I don't really care enough about this selection shit to blab about it to anyone."

"First of all, he's not my secret lover," Hoseok retaliated. "He's just a guy I hook up with from time to time since I can't really kiss any guy I please."

"So, friends with benefits?" Yoongi questioned.

Hoseok thought for a second, "I guess you can say that, but we've never actually gone farther than like grinding on each other."

"So you're still a virgin?" Yoongi asked. Hoseok nodded. Yoongi's tone became dry as he said, "Oh, neat."

Hoseok busted out in loud laughter, "You're funny, Hyunjoo. We should be friends."

"Sure, let me just surround myself with more gays. Just call me the gay whisperer already," Yoongi said sarcastically. "Listen, I don't really care if you want to be friend, okay? I'm good with anything. All I ask is that you don't shove me out of this place just because I know you like dick. Let me stay a little longer so I can get some more money, please?"

"Let's make a deal. You become my friend, and I keep you in this thing for as long as I can so that you're family gets money to eat. What do you say?" Hoseok proposed.

Yoongi clicked his tongue, "I'd be an idiot if I didn't accept. I guess I can be your bro now."

"You know, you don't really remind me of a girly girl, Hyunjoo," Hoseok smiled widely. "You kind of strike me as a tomboy. You act more like a boy than a girl. Well, just the stereotypes."

??? Hm, I wonder why that would be? It's not like Yoongi was a guy or anything.

"I probably spent too much time with my twin when I was younger," Yoongi said, twisting the lie a bit to fit his circumstances. To be quite honest, he was enjoying Hoseok's company.

Hoseok raised both eyebrows, "Oh? Twin?"

"I had a twin brother named Yoongi, he died though," Yoongi said. "He was pretty cool though. Talented, smart, handsome. There was nothing about him that you couldn't like."

"Really? Tell me more about this brother you're so fond of," Hoseok sat down on a chair and faced Yoongi.

Yoongi made a sour expression, "You know he's dead right? No way you can get at him. Anyways, he was straight." Was.

"I could have made him gay for me if we ever met in person," Hoseok winked. "I have my ways of charming them straight boys."

Yoongi nearly choked on air as Hoseok bit down on his lower lip and eyed him down with his seductive gaze and eyes full of lust.

"Right," Yoongi squeaked. He felt sweat gathering at the back of his neck and his armpits. Shit, now he can't raise his arms or else everyone will see how his pits are producing their own waterfall of nervous perspiration. "Anyways, Yoongi was the straightest guy in the world. I doubt you could have made him anything but that."

"Don't ever doubt my ways," Hoseok smirked and then stood up. He stretched his back until there was an audible pop. He sighed and looked down at Yoongi. "It's a shame I'll never get to meet him. If he's like you said, I would have loved teasing him and making him fall for my charms. Well, I best be off. Got some paper work to finish and food to eat. Good night Hyunjoo-noona, see you tomorrow."

And he left Yoongi's room just like that, leaving a flustered Yoongi behind that had no idea what to do with himself.

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