Chapter Seven

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"Woah, woah, woah there," Yoongi blurted as he covered himself up as well as possible with the flimsy towel he had picked up before the door to his washroom was opened. His two maids looked at him curiously. "What're you guys doing?"

"Um, miss, do you have a cold?" One of the maids asked. "Is your throat swelling?"

Yoongi immediately clutched his throat in realization. He had taken off the device Jimin made that changed his voice and hid his Adams apple. Shiiiiiittt.

"Yes," he tried his best to squeak. His voice even cracked luckily. Silence filled the room. "Now tell me what you're doing."

"What happened to your hair?" The other asked, unsure.

Yoongi's hands were instantly at his head. Oh god, he also took off his wig. He ran his hands through his short locks and made an inaudible noise of anguish and irritation in the back of his throat. Doing his best to look completely natural, Yoongi turned around and looked at the nurses full on.

"I um I like to wear wigs," Yoongi mumbled.

The maids nodded slowly. One of them spoke up softly, "What type of wigs?"

"Oh you know, all types," he said. He ruffled his hair and then strung his now interlocked hands behind his neck, revealing his waxed armpits. Nayeon was thorough. "I like long wigs. I like short wigs. I like... pink wigs."

The other maid raised a questioning brow, "Pink wigs?"

Yoongi nodded, "Yep. Pink wigs."



"Anyways," Yoongi cleared his throat uncomfortably, "what're you guys-"

And then his towel dropped.

Silence and awkwardness filled the room.

All eyes were on his dinga-linga-long-dong.

Yoongi cleared his throat, "You see-"

"You have a dick."

"That I do."

"So do I."


"What? I'm transitioning, okay?" The nurse scoffed. "Seems like you are too."

"No, no, no you got it all wrong," Yoongi shook his head rapidly. The maid arched a brow. "I'm not trans. NOT THAT I HAVE ANYTHING AGAINST TRANS. I just- I needed the money so... I pretended to be my dead twin sister?"

The other maid crossed her arms over her chest, "You're all types of fucked up."

"Well," Yoongi squinted his eyes and then shrugged, "I'm not gonna deny that."

The maid that wasn't crossing her arms clicked her tongue, "Dude, at least have some decency."

Yoongi cupped his hands over his dinga-linga-long-dong as a light blush hit his cheeks. He just had his penis exposed to the world like no tomorrow. All he wanted was a nice, warm, and relaxing bath. bUT NOPE, NOW HE'S STUCK IN THIS SITUATION.

"Listen, I know this is kinda weird-"

"Buddy, we're past weird," the maid that was crossing her arms interrupted him.

Yoongi cocked his head in her direction, "You got a point, but just hear me out, okay? I'm sure you guys understand what it's like to be hungry and all. I'm from the seventh caste, okay? I'm lower than you guys. And, and I have a younger brother back home. He's kind of naive and stupid, but he's also really smart. LIKE REALLY SMART. He's the one that made this little device thingy that hides my Adams apple and changes my voice. He makes all sorts of things. Really smart kid even if he's kind of an idiot most of the time. OH, I also have a mother. She works all the time, and she's honestly gonna overwork herself soon, so this money I'm getting from the competition is really helping out."

You could never go wrong with honesty.


"Um, so if you would please keep my secret, that'd be fantastic," Yoongi begged. He would have gotten on his knees and clasped his hands together to beg further if his hands weren't too busy shielding his junk from the two maids.

A second of silence rung in the air bitterly until both maids burst into laughter. Yoongi smiled a little but watched them get near tears of hysteria in confusion.

"Y-you w-want us to not tell anyone that you're a d-dude?" One maid chortled.

Yoongi glared at her, "Well yeah."

"Obviously we won't tell anyone you dumbass," the other maid cackled. "But you're gonna have to pay us."

Yoongi's excited face fell as soon as payment was mentioned. He sighed, "How much do you want?"

"Oh, we don't want money," one maid said. "We just want some better food, some good reviews about us given, and of course some juicy gossip about the Prince."

Yoongi's jaw went slack, "That's all?"

"That's all hun," the other maid confirmed. "We get a lot from just working here in the Palace, so there's not much we want. To be honest, we find you amusing. We just want to have some fun once in a while."

Yoongi nodded, not sure about what he should do now. He stood there awkwardly, hands over his junk, and stared at the two maids. They stared back at him expectantly.

Cue the background cricket noise.

"My name's Yoongi."

"I'm Mina," one maid introduced herself. "And that's Jihyu."

"Nice to, um, remeet you guys?" Yoongi said in a questioning tone.

Jihyu laughed, "Well, we'll do our best to help you keep your cover, but please get yourself situated now. I don't really wanna stand here any longer knowing your dick is hanging out."

"You can bathe on your own now. Bye, see you tomorrow morning," Mina added.

With that, both maids left Yoongi in awe and slight confusion. He shook his head to clear his brain. Whatever just happened was pretty weird. He spun around and looked at the bath waiting for him. He moved his hands from his dinga-linga-long-dong to his hips and let out a deep breathe.


With much anxiety and doubt, Yoongi stepped into his bath and bathed himself because what else do you do in a bath.

... don't answer that.


Meanwhile back at Yoongi's home, not everything was going smoothly.


"I said no, Jimin!" His mother shouted.

Jimin stood up angrily, "You can't let this go any further. I have to pretend to be Yoongi. You never reported me. Never! To the government, I don't even exist. Now that his enrollment has come along and he's in the selection, it's only right that I take his place."

"You're only a kid. You're barely sixteen!" She screeched.

Jimin spat, "I'm nearly seventeen, and you have no right to tell me what to do."

"I'm your mother!" She slammed her hand down on the table furiously.

Jimin laughed dryly and gave her a look full of outrage and pain, "According to the records, I'm not. I'm going to take Yoongi's place no matter what you say."

Jimin stormed into his and his brother's room, a letter of enrollment to the governmental military that belonged to Min Yoongi crumpled in his fist.

Well wasn't that dramatic.

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