Chapter Twenty-Six

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"W-what?" Yoongi studdered. He felt his Adam's apple bounce nervously as the shock from Jungkook randomly barging into his bedroom and addressing him correctly slapped him in the face.

Jungkook glared at him, "You heard me."

"I think you need to sit down," Yoongi chewed on his bottom lip anxiously. There was no backing away from this situation.

But what if...

Yoongi rolled his eyes to the back of his head and let his body collapse limply on the bed. The guard looked at him, unimpressed. Jungkook made sure the door was closed and went over to sit at Yoongi's desk.

"Playing dead isn't going to work, hyung," Jungkook stated dryly.

Yoongi sighed in defeat and sat up, "It was worth a shot."

"Was it though?" Jungkook asked dryly. "I really feel like it wasn't."

Yoongi pouted as he scratched his head, "I'm sorry that I'm running off of desperate ideas after you just barged into my room and spilled my alleged big secret."

"So you admit it?" Jungkook arched a brow and turned on the chair so he was straddling the chair and facing his hyung.

Yoongi glared half heartedly as he emphasized the word, "Alleged, Jungkook. I said alleged big secret."

Jungkook returned a stoic facial expression as he sighed and looked Yoongi in the eye, "So you're telling me that if I asked you to drop your undergarments right now, I wouldn't find a dick hanging off of you?"

The older faltered but nodded.

Jungkook smirked, "Then drop those panties, pretty boy."

"No!" Yoongi exclaimed, cheeks beginning to warm up. "That's so inappropriate, you pervert!"

Jungkook shrugged smugly, "I mean, if you wanna prove that you're a chick that badly-"

"You ass!" Yoongi cut him off. He grumbled curses underneath his breath before ripping off his weave. "Fine! Yes, I've been pretending to be my twin sister the entire time. I'm a fucking guy! Happy?"

Jungkook blinked as he watched Yoongi throw a fit while casually sprawled on a bed with a dress on. Don't let your mind wander to places, Jungkook-

"What." Yoongi snapped. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Jungkook cleared his throat, "Sorry, it's not everyday that someone you thought was a girl turns out to be a guy. Excuse my homosexual self. I just need a second to process."

Yoongi shot daggers at the younger with his eyes, "Don't tell me that just because I happen to have a dick, I've got you all hot and bothered."

And with the return of Yoongi's terrible attitude, Jungkook snapped out of his momentary horny state and laughed dryly, "And the jackass returns. Suddenly my dick has just shriveled up."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Because I'm the jackass here..."

Jungkook sighed and leaned forward so he was resting his forearms on the top of the back of the chair, "Listen, we're getting off topic here. What the fuck are you doing here, Yoongi?"

Yoongi grimaced and stood up, "Well, you're the one who figured out my real identity. Why don't you tell me?"

The guard stared at the selectionist and then exhaled dramatically, "Well, when Namjoon's loud mouth told me that Henry went on a date with Hoseok, I knew something was off. You easily could have told Hoseok that it was you pretending to be a boy to help me out, but you decided to hide that instead. That got me thinking about your family and how stressed you were about your brother, so I decided to take a look into your family. I realized that only a set of twins were reported. Yoongi and Hyunjoo." Yoongi started to pace as Jungkook continued to explain his thought process. "I was wondering why you would pretend to be a guy and hide it if you were a girl, but then I thought maybe you were actually a guy. But then you being stressed about a brother becoming a guard didn't make sense, at least unless this brother was unregistered and was younger than you. The real question is what happened to the real Hyunjoo and why you're pretending to be her."

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