Chapter Twelve

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Yoongi stared at Jungkook fiercely, "It's... complicated."

"So you say," Jungkook countered.

The older sighed, knowing fully well that there was no escape for him now, "So I'm from the seventh caste, and I'm broke as fuck. Reports cost a lot of money to make."

Jungkook rose his eyebrows, "So...?"

"So I had a twin brother, but we never reported his passing. I'm guessing my younger brother went in his place so that we wouldn't get fined," Yoongi stressed.

Jungkook furrowed his brows, "But what about when he came of age?"

Yoongi shrugged, "I have no idea. That's why I'm gonna kill him when I see him. He better not die."

Jungkook struggled to find a response before he said, "Well, he has a fifty-percent chance..."

That didn't make Yoongi feel much better.


"Why do I have to wear this stupid thing again?" Yoongi asked his maids as Mina gave a particularly hard tug on the corset she was tying. He winced and glared at her reflection in the mirror before him.

She grinned sickly sweet, "To impress the Prince. What else would it be for?"

"I feel like my balls are gonna fall off," he grumbled. "This is uncomfortable on another level."

"Deal with it, Princess," Jihyu replied shortly.

Yoongi jerked his head to the side, "Damn, y'all got some spice. Feel like I can't breathe without getting attacked."

"Good," Mina said as she patted Yoongi's shoulders. "That means we're doing our job right. Now, let's get you downstairs in one piece, okay?"


It wasn't that Yoongi didn't know how to eat, it was that Yoongi didn't know how to eat the rich way.

"What the actual fu-"

"Hyunjoo!" Another contestant cut him off before he could fully swear.

But alas, this forced whisper caught the attention of their instructor, who thus spun around and glared at Yoongi, "May I ask why someone is calling out to you in the middle of my lesson?" One of the instructor's perfect brows rose as they stared down their nose at Yoongi.

Oooo how he would love to just stick a damn pencil up their humongous fucking nostrils...

"I haven't a clue ma'am," Yoongi answered, faking an innocent look.

The instructor stared at him for a second before sneering and returning to her lesson.

Yoongi turned back around and grabbed two different spoons, examining his reflection in them. What the fuck do you use so many spoons for anyways? Isn't this a waste of utensils? Like, do you know how much shit you can make with the extra metal? Neither does he, but he imagines it would be a lot of shit.

"Crazy, isn't it?" Dahyun asked Yoongi from his right. The boy looked over at her with both eyebrows raised in a silent question. "The number of spoons, I mean. I don't understand what you need them all for. Like how much soup could you eat with these anyways?"

Yoongi nodded, "Yeah, I don't really understand what you would need them for either."

"Okay, ladies! Now pick up spoon number fifteen and pretend to eat some pudding. I will be checking your posture!" The instructor announced.

Yoongi groaned. What type of shit did he get into?


"Did you check the ranking?" Sejun asked Jimin as he held down Jimin's feet and watched him struggle to raise himself up into a sit up. It was not that Jimin was weak that he struggled, it was the fact that he had already done about four hundred sit-ups. They were instructed to do five hundred each.

Jimin huffed as he sat up, "Four hundred and twenty-eight. And no, I haven't."

Sejun sighed and chewed on his lower lip, "Me neither. I'm kind of scared to check it."

Jimin twitched and grunted as he rose once more, "Four hundred and twenty-nine. Don't stress yourself too hard on the ranking." He sat down and grunted from the impact of his back hitting a loose stone. Sejun stared down at him worriedly. Jimin grinned that eye-smile of his that seemed to melt away all negative things. "We're gonna get through this hell together, okay?"

Sejun huffed and nodded as Jimin struggled to pull himself up again, "Okay."


"I haven't even been able to beat my meat for this entire fucking ti-IME! Hello, Your Majesty!" Yoongi instantly cut himself off as he opened his bedroom door to see the freaking queen sitting on his bed. tHE FREAKING QUEEN I SAY!!!

She looked up at Yoongi with a roll of the eyes and sneer, "Miss Min... nice to meet you." Yoongi scrambled into a bow that made the queen snicker. "Please rise, silly girl. Close the door and kneel at my feet."

Yoongi stood up straight and spun around on his heels. He closed the door cautiously and then went to kneel in front of the queen. He found it odd that the queen told him to do so. Pfft, spoiled old lady brat.

"Hyunjoo, is it?" The queen asked. Yoongi nodded hesitantly. "Hmm," she hummed, "you've met my son. You've even had a date with him already. Is that not true?"

"It is true, your highness," Yoongi replied. He licked his lips nervously.

The queen tsked, "I see, so the rumors are true. Hyunjoo, you are from the seventh caste, am I right?"

"Yes, your highness," Yoongi answered. He gritted his teeth as he glared down at the ground. Why the heck did she care what caste he was from?

"Hmm," the queen hummed. She stood up and the bed bounced upwards after her toosh was no longer drowning it. She tapped a manicured nail underneath Yoongi's chin and forced him to look up at her. She smirked wickedly. "I wouldn't want any child of mine, much less my beloved son, marrying such filth," She snarled. Her lip curled up at the corner as she stepped on his hand. Yoongi let out a growl of pain as the queen giggled a small, "Oopsies, my bad." Yoongi glared up at her as she moved away from the boy who now clutched onto his injured hand.

She made her way over to the bedroom door and opened it. She took a step outside before pausing in thought. She then peered over her shoulder at Yoongi with a smug look, "Oh, Hyunjoo? Please stay away from my son. If you don't, I'm going to make your life a living hell." She placed a delicate hand over her mouth as the corners of her lips twisted up. She giggled obnoxiously once more, "Oopsies, seems I've threatened a peasant. Oh well."

And with that, she stalked off after slamming the door closed. Yoongi grumbled curses under his breath as he pierced the spot the queen once stood in. He lifted his injured hand and hissed as he tried to stretch it. He lowered it a bit to look at it better and noticed the circular bruising forming due to the heel that the royal mother practically stabbed into his hand.

Yoongi rubbed softly at his injury and rumbled in fury from deep within his chest, "Bring it on, you witch. Two can play at this game." He threw his head to the side and cracked his neck as he stared menacingly at his bedroom entrance. "I've been through hell and back. Why don't I bring hell to you?"

And thus began the war between the queen of Illea and the boy dressed as his dead twin sister with a dying mother and perhaps a dying younger brother.


But like I'm so sorry this took forever to get out to you guys. I've just had a rough time and haven't been able to move past this road block when it comes to this story. But hopefully that'll be fixed soon!! I hope you enjoyed the chapter though!

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