Chapter Twenty-One

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I wanted to post this earlier but I was too busy with birthdays and Valentine's day! Sorry!

Yoongi felt himself sit down back in his chair smugly as some of the girls applauded him while others remained frozen in shock. He had just finished his presentation, and he was proud to say that he's a hundred percent sure he left an impression.

Heechul made a sound of surprise as he returned to hosting the Report, "Fascinating presentation we're ending on, tonight!" He then looked at the King and Prince. "Any thoughts you would like to share with Lady Min?"

Yoongi thought Hoseok was going to say something cheeky, but he felt his throat squeeze close as the King stood to his feet and stared at him intently.

"Yes," the man said, "I must say that I was most intrigued by your presentation, Miss Min." He stopped to press his lips into a firm line before relaxing again. "I hope that I do not overstep any lines in your past life before the Selection to ask that you become a part of my team. I would greatly utilize your talents at seeing issues and solving them."

Yoongi noticed that a camera was now directed at him. He stood up, nearly falling onto Dahyun in the process, and bowed his head slowly, "It would be an honor, Sire."

The king looked at Yoongi one more time and then sat back down. Yoongi did the same, and Heechul took this as his cue to end the Report. Yoongi couldn't help but thank the lord that it was ending. He hoped the drama of his destroyed presentation didn't continue past the Report.

He was slightly curious as to what happened, but he would rather let it go than investigate further.

Yoongi left as soon as the cameras were shut off. He still had a date.


"Florence!" The Queen screeched as soon as she entered her bedroom. The maid came rushing out of the washroom as she dried her hands on her apron. She froze as she saw the intense scowl on the Queen's face. Uh oh. This could not be good.

"You're Highness," Fathmia addressed as politely as possible. She knew she was about to get chewed out. Did she forget to iron the wicked witch's undergarments or something?

The Queen's face swelled and reddened to a near, deep purple as she all but shot steam through her ears, "TELL ME HOW THAT STUPID GIRL MANAGED TO OUT BEST ME! TELL ME WHY SHE STILL MANAGED TO PRESENT. YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO DESTROY HER PROJECT!"

"And that I did," Fathmia answered.

The Queen made an odd hissing and growling sound that resembled that of a dying cow. Perhaps she was a dying cow.


"Noona," Taehyung whispered as Yoongi slipped inside the beauty room. There was a single light on that cast an eerie feeling around the room. The makeup artist stood at his station, his hands hiding something behind his back.

Yoongi let out a relieved sigh as he speed-walked to the younger, "Do you have what I asked of you?"

Taehyung smiled and held out a black face mask, one that would easily hide half of his face, "Of course. I'm not sure why you want to sneak out and shop, but here you go."

"Thank you," Yoongi gave him a grateful smile. "One day I'll explain."

The boy nodded and then all of a sudden, his expression became dark and serious. His voice deepened- even further than Yoongi thought possible- as he warned the older, "Be careful out there. I have a feeling you're not sneaking out to go shopping."

Yoongi scrunched up his nose, "Sis, there's no need to get all weird on me. We both been knew I do whack shit at night."

"True, true. You be a freaky, nocturnal kitty," Taehyung winked.

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