Chapter Sixteen

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We pull up and I feel Chris's arm, guide my back inside the building. I feel it drop when we enter a specific room. I turn seeing Chris lock the door, making Leon and I look at each other confused.

"You have to stay here for now, he's clearly only after you." He says pointing a finger towards me aggressively.

"I told you all, I even said that he'll use both of you, he wants me to suffer." I scoff and sit down on the table, crossing my legs. A ding comes from Chris device, he reads the message. "Lemme guess, it was traced to a burner phone?" Chris slams his phone down on the table, cursing. "Now, let me leave, obviously my father knows I have help, and it's making it more difficult to stop him."

"No." Both Leon and Chris state, I cross my arms. 

"Leon can stay near you, they think he's a guard. We'll make both of you a room, okay?" Chris angrily storms out the room, leaving Leon and I alone. 

"I wish you didn't run back then, this would've been easier to get ahold of." He says turning to me, I hop off the table.

"So, this is my fault?" He shakes his head. "Then what? I had a reason to run."

"I understand that, but it's just--" He cuts himself off, looking towards the side. 

"Just what? I thought we understood one another and why I left." He stares at the ground, rubbing his stubble.

"You ran to Wesker, then you ran to yourself." Silence fills the room as Chris walks in, holding two keys. I swipe one, and open the door.

"I ran to myself, let's keep it at that." I coldly say, leaving the room, as Leon doesn't make eye contact with me. 

I go to the room I was assigned, I open the door, walking in to a white plain bed. I toss the keys and sit down, staring at a blank wall. I thought I explained everything to him, I would never make myself first priority. Wesker saved my life, and I wanted to save Stella's, I never ran to myself. My head peeks up hearing a shallow knock on my door, I grunt and groggily stand up. I swear if it's either Chris or Leon, I will actually leave. 

I walk over to the door, twisting the silver door knob. As I slowly pull the door, I see a man with the BSAA uniform on. He extends his arms with clothes, I grab it and turn around, I place it on the bed. I walk back ready to thank him, but I see a white towel slam against my mouth. I try screaming but I inhale it, I notice my fathers logo as I pass out. 

(Leon's Point of View)

She storms away, I pick my head up and watch her walk to the nearest hall. Chris drops my keys on the table. Chris crosses his arms leaning against the table, raising a brow. I tilt my head, I don't want a lecture coming from him. I snatch my keys stopping at the door frame, I pause hearing him clear his throat. 

"Have anything to say?" I say turning my head a bit, he shakes his head with a cocky smirk.

"You'll figure it out." He states, I ignore him and walk towards my room. I check my tag seeing the number, I stop and turn to the empty room beside me. I walk in, putting a hand over my gun. I then see the keys to this room on the bed, I check the tag, seeing that it goes to this room. 

I look seeing a fresh set of clothes, I take the shirt, holding it up. I take a look at the tag seeing it the shirt size, noticing it's for a female. I place the shirt down and lift my head up, I drop my keys and sprint out the room. I look around not seeing Chris in sight, I turn the corner, going back to the previous room. I see him walking out, I catch up.

"Chris!" He turns around confused.

"What is it Leon?" He says, while telling his friend to go on.

"Y/N and I, our rooms are next to each other right?" He nods, crossing his arms.

"Yes, I thought it would be better to pair you two. Why? What's wrong?" My face drops, as his expression does too.

"We've got a problem." I state to him.

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