Chapter Six

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Chris and I sneakily step out, checking the halls, seeing no one. We walk to the right, creeping up on a room guarded with two men. I look seeing the two men wear all black, with my fathers logo on their shirts. Chris goes forward, he shoots one man as the other fires bullets. I stay by the wall as Chris drops down shooting the last man. I nod and go in, I arrive at the door, it slides as I enter. 

A doctor with a scalpel starts swinging at me, I dodge his first two hits only to raise my hand. The scalpel cuts my palm, I groan as I grab the man, butting my head with his. The doctor falls face first, not moving, Chris moves in. Blood drips onto the floor making Chris notice.

"You okay?" I nod, showing my palm healing.

"Fine." I turn seeing Rebecca, I quickly walk over. "Rebecca--" I feel my stomach get slammed, I fly over Rebecca and smash into the cabinets across from her. I fall down, feeling pain course through my body.

"Y/N!" Chris yells, as the footsteps heavily runs in. I heal slowly as I stand up, I kneel making sure the big guy can't see me. 

"Rebecca I'm here okay? I'll get you out of this." She nods, I look around finding a panel. Chris fights off the big guy, getting thrown to a wall. He turns looking at me, about to charge until we hear something metal move. I look down making the guy follow my eyes as well, it was a flame grenade. He looks up, as he gets inflamed, I turn and press the release button.

I turn back watching the hoops around her ankles, hands, and neck slide into the table. I walk around and sit her up, as Chris stands. I give a thumbs up, as I lift Rebecca off the table, wrapping her arm around my neck. Chris angrily pulls out his pistol, and goes over to the doctor, shooting the door. He yells for the vaccine, only being able to know where Arias is. Chris rushes back to me, taking Rebecca.

I walk seeing men pass by this room, I then back up on the wall. Camera's are hidden, they want to know our positions. I turn to Chris, as we duck.

"Go, more are coming, I could take care of it." He nods and makes his way towards the other door, he walks through as it slides and close. I hear the door open, seeing multiple black boots stride in. 

I can't walk to my left, the glass will give me away. I look seeing them get closer, I take a breath and decide to count the feet. Three men with machine guns, and one women with two pistols...yeah seems fair. I kick the metal table, hearing bullets bounce off, I take cover as they keep shooting. I peek up shooting the men, taking out one, I slump down and reload my guns as they keep shooting. 

I toss one of my pistols in the air, making the handle point up. I go over throwing the gun, as it hits one of the men. I leave the table and run, sliding on the ground. I kick my leg under, and watch the body fall, I shoot at the man on the ground. I stand up and kick the machine gun out of the mans hand. I run and place my legs beside his head, we hit the ground as I twist myself, cracking his neck. 

I reach over and grab my pistol, I stand up going back into the hall. I pull out my device, not seeing anything new. I put it away and continue walking down, I get body slammed into a room with a two way mirror. I grunt as both of my guns get hit out of my hand, he swings out a knife, but I quickly hit it away. The man grabs both of my arms and pins me up against the wall, once I get a good look at his face, my mouth goes agape. 

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