Chapter Twenty-Seven

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As silence fills the building, Chris and I keep going the same path, hoping that the trail of these men can lead us towards her.

Chris taps my shoulder and cocks his head in one direction, I follow seeing a broken open cell. The door was broken outward, marks scattered along the sliding metal, hopeless in trying to close itself.

All that was left was a broken camera that used to hang in the corner of the room.

"How?" Chris states, as the lights inside the room are hanging along by a wire.

"Her original virus couldn't do this—so what can?" I ask, seeing Chris curse under his breath, angrily rubbing his scalp.

"Wesker—the same virus that got locked into Jill, I'm guessing the aftermath of it never left." He pull out a pistol hearing a strange noise come from another cell. As he slowly creeps towards it, I can't help to analyze the strength she possesses.

A huge slam occurs I run over seeing Chris trapped in a cell. I bang on it, hearing his yells.

"Chris! I can't open the door!" I shout, as he stops banging, no words can be spoken until the speaker intercom turns on.

"Leon, find me in the control room." It was her voice, she sounded sincere—calm, it alarmed me.

As I was walking to the room I couldn't help but overthink and panic internally. Is she planning something? Should I be uncomfortable? I'm worried yes, but I can't see myself starting to be scared of her. I lean seeing her back facing me, as she holds onto a iron pipe and hesitated to step in. I close my eyes and take a breath, knocking on the door softly. She turns towards me, looking brighter than ever—she was glowing.

"You came." She said softly, matching her energy with mine. "Leon I'm leaving." I was taken aback, not the words I thought I would be hearing.

"Pardon?" The anger and confusion in my voice could not be clearer, I tried shielding myself but I couldn't.

"Everything just seems to follow me, year after year I find myself either fighting the thing chasing or running away from it—and this time I chose to run." She looks at me, her eyes like melting butter, slowly destroying her confidence in herself.

"This isn't Chris doing this—it's your father!" Her expression turned into a cold one, a fine line across her face.

"Is that why you didn't tell me what you were doing?" I stun myself, knowing the timing for the reveal wasn't the best. "Nikolai? Is still alive?"

"Ada was the one who gave me the information about his life, he's trying to turn you into a Bio-weapon, if not—then he would take your blood." She sighs, as I step closer to her, the betrayal fills her eyes. "I wanted to catch him myself, keeping you away from this."

"It's not possible." She stated, looking at the camera, seeing Chris banging on the door. "Leon, you don't have to fight my battles, I don't wanna see another person I care about die because of me."

"Y/N think rationally about this—you're right okay?! He will never stop but I have in-tell, I have information to stay ahead." Her grip tightens on the iron pipe, as she presses a button. It turns on the lights, restoring power.

"If you were ahead then you would've found me months ago." I tense, as she steps closer to me, I close my eyes. She lightly kisses my check, as she does I slowly start to pull out a weapon. She grips my wrist, making me drop it. "Not so fast Kennedy."

I push her off, rolling backwards. She flips her pipe, as I get a standing. She looks at the panel and clicks a button, releasing Chris from his temporary cage. I watch as she quickly throws her pipe against a wall of buttons, I hum in confusion.

She runs and slips under a metal door, closing me in the room. I react and slam my body into the door, as her sliding disappears from my view. I yell after her, and turn towards the cameras, the last surviving one focuses on her.

She stares into the camera and nods her head. It cuts immediately, I curse under my breath and start to look around for an escape.

Vendetta || (Leon Kennedy X Reader) BOOK 4Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant