Chapter Thirty-Three

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My eyes look towards Nikolai then back at the man, his mouth opens as tiny claws extend his skin outwards.

What the fuck...?

As I watch the horror unveil, I use the pain to rip out the scalpel. I shout and stab it into his mouth, his brown eyes turning a solid white. My arm hugs against my torso as I back-up. His body drops onto the had tile like a rag doll puppet being released from his strings.

"Like my new creation?" I turn towards him. "It's still a test in progress, now my updates would surround the easy access to his mouth—never thought it'll be a target for death."

"You made a new virus..." I look as his eyes turn a milky white. "You have it."

"Of course, the power this holds—how could I not?" He smiles, as my hands shakily apply pressure to my arm.

"It makes you die the same way." The corner of my mouth turns, as I make a run for it. My hand slyly grabbing the knife from the ground. My arms shield as the claw punctures the wall beside me, debris flying across my face.

As I spot a glass vase I kick it behind me, hearing the glass break from impact. The knife stays firmly armed in my right hand, as my left arm stay close against my chest. His claw appears again, I slash it unable to wipe it clean. His yells piercing my ears as I turn a sharp right.

"God these hospital hallways look the same!" I shout, trying to find any agents around. Two hands grab my face, muffling any noise out my mouth.

"Y/N it's me! Chris!" The mans voice whispers, he gently lets go of me, I wince as my arm throbs with pain.

"Chris...oh my god." My right arm hugs him, my eyes wanting to burst into tears. "Leon—Leon how is he?"

"He's...unresponsive at the moment." I feel my heart tug, like it's struggling to stay calm while bricks are placed upon it. "Jesus...what have you been through?"

He quickly patched up my arm, ripping the room clean for bandages.

"Nikolai is still here, he created a new B.O.W...he's—god he's—" I stumble, Chris finds a rag, holding it firm to my cheek.

"It's alright, my team is still here, we can evacuate as soon as possible." My head shakes rapidly, as panic sets in. "What's wrong?"

"He injected himself with the virus, the only way to kill him is to stab him through the mouth." My dry throat cracks under pressure. "We can't leave, you need to warn your men."

"You can leave, I'll stay." He holds his finger to his ear, speaking out. "Stand down, when you see the target stand down."

"Chris, this is my fault—Leon is—he's..." My face gives in, as I start to cry, tears effortlessly falling down. "I can't lose you either, we need to leave now!"

The claw strike through the door, Chris grabs me, throwing us both back.

"Shit!" Chris shouts, spraying his gun towards what's left of the door. I cover my face, gun powder flies everywhere. "Okay I think we lost him—"

I watch as the claw impales Chris's shoulder, my scream matching the noise he makes. My hand flies, cutting the claw in half, the blood spraying us both. As Nikolai slams his back into the wall, I pull out the claw, throwing it aside.

"Use this." I state, trying to calm myself down. I throw what's left of the bandages, and get up. "He's after me okay, stay away." I give a weak smile and nod.

"Y/N! No!" I ignore his wishes and tackle Nikolai away, as I try to make a run for it I feel something slippery grab my neck.

My hands grab it, as I'm spun around. My legs kicking in the air, as my oxygen slowly leaves my lungs.

It was his tongue.

"You little bitch!" He spat, he slams my body against the wall. "My work...this plan, you fucking ruined it all!" He aggressively walks, as I'm strung above him.

My spine stings in agony, I release the knife, feeling light and weak.

"I was going to give you the option to become one of my experiments! You're virus with'll be overkill—I would rule the world." He laughs, with a crooked smile.

He shouts in agony, as I'm free from his torture. I drop onto the tile, coughing profusely. My eyes look through my lashes, seeing Chris aiming his rifle at Nikolai.

Vendetta || (Leon Kennedy X Reader) BOOK 4Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora