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I harshly swing my bat, hitting the back of his head. His body drops down on the ground, as blood spills out. I gag and wipe some blood from my hand, on his jacket. I carefully step over the body, and start walking. My father keeps sending his men after me, and none of them are good at combat. My father has millions and still invests in poor employees, he needs to prioritize more. 

I continue to walk, seeing my motorcycle nicely parked. I smile warmly and extend my arms, opening and closing my hands towards it like a child, wanting a toy. I chuckle and toss my bat, while getting on my motorcycle. I grip the handles and put on my helmet, I start it up and start riding it. I speed out of the dead town, knowing the D.S.O would find this later. My father keeps doing attacks on every town I visit, so I'll get my own island. 

That sounds great, a little island just for me. I stop mid-highway, and pull out my phone, looking back at the street. I confusingly stare down at my phone, seeing it as an unknown number. Let me guess, my father kills a whole town and highway just so he could call me, and make me feel guilty even more. I roll my eyes, answering the call, only to hear a women come through. 

"Hello, Y/N?" I clear my throat and look around the road.

"Got the right number, although I don't know how you did it. Anyways, speak." I say to the mystery woman.

"My name is Rebecca Chambers, a scientist for the D.S.O. I am asking for a lot, but I need to ask you a few questions about Las Plagas. Someone is conjuring up a new virus and it's urgent." I sigh and open my mouth.

"Listen, you should know that I am not apart of this anymore--" She cuts me off, I separate my ear from the phone seeing coordinates texted to me.

"Sent you the location, be there by tomorrow afternoon sharp." The end ends, I grunt and grip my phone. 

I put my device away and put my helmet back on, I speed off, trying to get away from the town I'm at. I hear a car pulling up, I turn my head seeing two speed up, I notice my fathers logo, making me increase the speed. I continue to go, and hear the two cars pulling up behind me. I grit my teeth and pull out my pistol, I turn shooting the wheels, seeing one car go diagonal and stop. The other car dodges and continues to follow me, as I see a bright light being spotted on me. 

I look up noticing it was a news helicopter, I curse under my breath knowing this isn't good. As I stare at them, moving along my pace, I look forward noticing one of my fathers trucks turning to the side, blocking the whole street. I pull a wheelie and keep going, I shoot at the huge truck hitting the gas. I brake and turn to the side, I look up with my arm, shooting under the truck as I go through. I tuck my pistol and go straight on the road again, hearing the truck explode as I drive on. I scream with joy, feeling alive, knowing my father can't win yet. 

The helicopter still follows me as I fly by the wreck. Another black car comes in front of me, I don't hesitate and go faster. As we almost collide I use my strength, letting the bike and I fly up, riding on the hood of the car. I land behind them, holding my middle finger up in success, I then take ahold of my helmet and take it off my head. I throw it back and escape the scene, as the spotlight disappears away from me. I cock my head and leave the highway I was on, departing in the nearest exit. 

On my way to your location Rebecca, might be a little late for the troubles my father caused me. 

Vendetta || (Leon Kennedy X Reader) BOOK 4Where stories live. Discover now