Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Chris...." He looks at me, fighting back the remorse. "I'll cooperate if I get answers about my body." He confusingly looks at the scientist in the room.

"Y/N..." I cut him off as he inches closer to me.

"Chris I want explanations about the virus, healing, just everything that I have no answers to." The scientists shrugs, as Chris leans on the wall across from me. 

"I can do that." I then fight back the urge not to yell, and I knew he noticed. "What else?"

"One visit from Leon." I state as he shakes his head.

"No Y/N I told you that--" He crosses his arms, like a dad scolding her kid.

"No one can know--yeah I fucking know that, but I won't say anything to him. You can use the camera in my room, and have someone stand outside--I just at least have to give him that." I look down as Chris sighs and rubs his face from stress.

"If you do anything to breach this experiment then being here is gonna become a whole lot worse than you can imagine." I nod, as he kneels down to me, placing both hands on the arm rests. 

"You have my word." I say, watching his eyes widen. I said those words to him when I gave him the location of Wesker, when he was getting revenge.

"Alright, ask away." I look towards the scientists, as he has fear in his eyes.

"When I was first exposed, I healed and now I've seen that it's gone...what exactly did you do?" Chris grabs a clipboard and goes through the paperwork.

"We paralyzed the virus, gaining time to find a cure or something to sustain the virus. When we paralyzed it, your body went into a shock. It took away your natural healing and increase of strength." I nod and look over at the scientist doing him work silently.

"So, what about Simmons?" I ask avoiding eye contact, as he pieces together the aftermath.

"The trigger to the virus was blood, so no Leon was wrong about that 'vampire comment'." We both chuckle, remembering our little breakup fight. "The craving for blood came from your body fighting back the virus, healing itself during everything. When you got the solidified the cells, combining with your red blood cells." I furrow my brows and confusingly accept the information.

"Alright--that explains.....well that, is that all you know?" He nods as he gives the signal towards the scientist. "What're you planning now?"

"We found something blocking your virus from being completely being stopped, so we're trying to figure out what that is." I then look towards the needle being ready to go, I gulp hard in my throat.

"More needles, great." I state sarcastically, as the scientist approaches me, I flinch away.

"Y/N--" I cut him off for the last time.

"Chris, get in contact with Leon after this." He nods as I move back into place, I look up watching the bright light darken my eyes. I wince as the needle pushes into my neck, I grip the arm rests wanting the metal clamps to get off. I start shaking violently as the needle gets removed, Chris holds my shoulders.

"Y/N are you okay?!" He tries to stabilize my body as I struggle to breathe. In a panic Chris quickly rips off the clamps and picks me up, holding my body. "Call it off!"

"Sir we can't it's too late--" The scientist gets aggressively pushed as I try to hold onto Chris.

"I told you if she shows signals of death we're done! We're fucking done!" I grip onto his shirt as he carries me away in a hurry. He runs and opens my room door, he lays me down and checks my pulse, his cold fingers pressing into my neck. "Y/N! Y/N!"

I start scratching my chest, feeling the pain stem from there. I lift my torso up and look around, I then start to feel my body burn up. 

"Chris sedate me." I struggle to get out. "For real this time!" I shout, Chris turns seeing the scientist with a case. Chris pushes him out of the way and grabs the sedation needle. He plunges the syringe in my chest, as I am finally able to breathe. 

"Just relax okay." He combs through my hair as I slowly close my eyes, I accept the sedation as I see everything fade to darkness.

Vendetta || (Leon Kennedy X Reader) BOOK 4Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang