Chapter Thirty

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I hear faint beeping, could it be my alarm? A car? As my eyes open with panic, I see a white light blind my vision. As I adjust I notice it was a ceiling—no walls—the floor? I'm in a hospital.

I sit up, as I wince from the IV in my hand. Faint footsteps approach the door. I quickly pretend to be asleep, as it opens. I squint as the person moves to the extra chair, that blond hair—Leon.

"Leon?" I slowly sit up, as he places his paper cup down. I watch the brown liquid shift as he rushes to my side.

"Y/N! I'm glad you're alright." He takes my hand in his, lightly kissing it. "I didn't know what to do."

"Didn't know? What happened?" I confusingly state as he straightens his back.

"Your eyes they were red, and you fainted—god a lot happened Y/N." He lightly chuckles, trying to calm himself down. "How are you feeling?"

As I collect my scattered thoughts I'm left wondering....Nikolai is still out there.

"Weak and startled." I force myself to get up, Leon's hand disappears from mine as he blocks my legs from turning to the side of the bed.

"Woah woah. Fill me in first okay?" I carefully take out the IV, and cover myself with the sheets.

"Nikolai is still after me—staying in one place for...for...?" I look at him, waiting for a time estimate.

"3 weeks." I sigh, and see a bag beside him. I rush over, feeling lightheaded. "What's wrong? Is it about Nikolai?"

"Leon the more I stay in one place the sooner he'll find me." I scramble to get a few article of clothing, once I pull it out, the lights turn off.

"Impossible our GPS tracker said he was in UK." I look at him.

"He's smarter than a tracker Leon." I put on my clothes in the dark, as I feel a cold metal thing hit my back. I jump in retaliation.

"Why'd you jump?" Leon asks, he's closer than I thought. He gently grabs the zipper and helps me as I make myself presentable. "I'm here now, I won't let anything happen to you."

"Nikolai will just kill you, trust me let me do this myself." I open the door, hearing the piercing screams.

"Absolutely not." Leon gently moves me aside and takes the lead. "We should leave, I'll notify the DSO."

"We can't leave the people here." I whisper angrily.

"Trust me I know. We need to get you out of here—he's after you." As his hand finds my wrist, he starts to lead me out. "Stay close behind."

"I don't think you need to worry about me." I playfully tell him, tapping his hand. I watch a shadow move swiftly across the room. My hand automatically tugs her back, watching a knife fly past our faces. "Yeah we're leaving, seems like I'm not the only one on his target list."

My head turns, as I felt Leon's body do the same. My fist balls and punches the face I see in the dark, the man groans, slowly fainting after. My chest heaves from the sudden panic.

"Your reflex is almost good as mine." My annoyance grunt tells it all about my mood. As I peak around the corner, the shadows shuffle. "The entrance isn't far, but it seems like it's surrounded. We'll make a detour to the back exits."

"I think we're trapped." I hold him back from moving, my hand firmly on his chest. "Let's just wait for the DSO to arrive."

"It isn't safe—"

"Nikolai knew where I was before you did, and you were tracking him—he knows our plan better than we do." My chest calms down, gently Leon takes ahold of my hand and guides me safety to the closest room.

Leon slowly closes the door, making sure the only way you can hear the click is from inside the room. As I extend my arms to shift a bookshelf, Leon quickly helps me carry it. He nods and we both pick it up, quickly setting it in front of the door.

The blue light from his device, showing the gleam in his eyes. The yellow reflecting from somewhere, my eyes travel to the ground following it. There was a window, the thick curtains covering most of it up. My body kneels, shifting the curtain slightly, so at least vision is possible to achieve.

"You weren't kidding about him knowing us better than we do." I feel Leon's body warmth behind me, making me assume his chin was inches away from my head, his body towering over me.

"He must be here." I mumble, covering up the window.

"How are you so sure?" I stand up, and feel Leon's arm hold my back, in case if I fell.

"Too much backup, the building surrounded, the power being out—it seems like he's taking every measure to corner us here." My body gives in as I sit down on the bed. Leon sitting down beside me with comfort.

"The DSO is coming here, they shouldn't be long." His hand rubs my lower back, my head turns to his, my eyes adjust to the darkness, making me see his cocky smirk. "It'll be alright, you know that."

"I know." I comfort him back, placing my hand on his thigh. "Just worried." My sigh lingers, Leon's other hand snakes his way to my face, cupping my cheek. He leans in, his soft lips finding mine, an innocent and love filled peck.

Vendetta || (Leon Kennedy X Reader) BOOK 4Where stories live. Discover now