Chapter Eighteen

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They open my mouth, as my father gets a big container, pouring the unknown liquid into my mouth. The two men release their grasp, as I spit out the metalic, salty taste. I continue to spit it out, almost making me vomit out the familiar substance. I feel my head being pulled up, seeing my reflection, as the remaining blood stays all over my mouth. 

"Why won't you drink it? Like you did before, remember, taking a nice bite out of my men." He says, throwing my head forward. "Did you not like the taste of that women?"

I peek my head up, knowing that he killed an innocent person for that blood. I hold down the disgusting feeling, trying not to puke anything up. My father wipes his hand with a white towel, as he snap his fingers.

"Jack Foster, one of my most loyal men. You killed him." I scoff as he walks closer.

"He was going to kill me himself, and do other things--I killed him before he was gonna kill me. He said I was a toy, that he wanted to take and use, he wasn't loyal." I groggily say, while looking up at my father.

"You're lying to me." He says, trying to defuse my sentence as well as the tension.

"I wouldn't lie for him." I state, as he pauses for a bit. He smirks and points to his two men behind me.

"You two, watch her, I have something to take care of." They both nod as my father exits the room. 

(Leon's Point of View)

I enter Chris's office, seeing files and picture of houses. I open a few, as Chris goes around his desk, planting another file.

"Those to your right." He points to the files with a stamp marked across. "That's houses Y/N has personally bought with her own money, legally. Although we have this one file--" He passes me it, I open it, looking at the address. "Parents house, before the outbreak."

"Raccoon City." I say, this where we first met, when she didn't know any combat or what was happening. When we both were first introduced to this job, she ran. "Parents house, that's where he could be keeping her."

"I'll get the car, and we can go." He holds up the keys. 

"Alright, let's go." I say, I follow behind as he signals his other team to wait. We make it to the car, as his team follows behind, leaving space for us to become the target first. 

(Y/N Point of View)

The men stare at me, as they fold their hands behind their backs. I turn my head, wiping the blood off my face. I quickly seeing the blinking recording light on the camera, and take a deep breath. I forcefully slam myself into the ground, breaking the wooden chair. I flip my body up, seeing the men in front of me. I roll and pick up a knife, I throw one into one man as I grab a hammer. I cartwheel and swing, as he tries to hit me, I dodge and successfully hit his temple. 

I toss the hammer, and catch it, I turn to the camera and hit it, shattering the glass. I kick the two metal doors open and walk down the hall, noticing the building looked familiar. I continue to walk down, stopping when hearing a guard come. I high-kick him, as his gun drops, I hit his head with the hammer. I turn and pick up his pistol, as I hear more footsteps approach. He expanded the house, there's more halls, and rooms, it must've got destroyed during the outbreak. 

I watch as two more men spot me, I aim, and shoot them both. They drop, I walk up, seeing once still alive, I aim the pistol and shoot it at the wall a couple of times.

"Where is he?" I ask, as the man shakes, he then points to the hall beside us. I spare him and start walking, hearing a loud bang in the distance, as I pick up my pace.

(Leon's Point of View)

We arrive, as I decide to take the lead, I kick open the door, looking around. I continue down seeing stairs leading to a room. The metal doors are busted open, with two bodies on the ground. I go near, seeing a camera looking at the broken chair, I turn seeing the glass on the camera shattered. I press the button, seeing a VHS tape slowly slide out. 

Vendetta || (Leon Kennedy X Reader) BOOK 4Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum