Chapter Fifteen

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I walk back in trailing water from the floor, I then hear a beep, I walk over to the laundry room, seeing my clothes washed. Leon must've done that the first night, how did I not notice? I shake my head and take out my warm shorts and crop top. I strip down tossing the wet dirty clothes into the hamper. 

I get dressed, stopping at my tights. I walk out feeling the AC chills, I curse to myself for breaking and throwing away my jacket. I walk into the bedroom, seeing Leon on his device. He turns and I toss him his shirt and jacket. 

"Chris called, we should be done. He's coming with a BSAA car he wants to escort us himself." I nod and lean on the door frame. 

"Good, cause if we both spent another day might not end well." I say jokingly, he stands and slip on his shirt, I turn and walk away seeing my boots by the main door. 

I grab them and sit on the arm rest of the couch. I slip them on effortlessly and stand, the wall phone then starts to ring. I walk over and grab the black phone, holding it up to my ear, I confusingly hear breathing. 

"Hello?" The voice comes through, I freeze knowing the familiar man. It was my father. I hide behind the nearest wall, peeking out to the living room, checking out each window. I turn seeing Leon almost stepping out the room, I hold my hand up, stopping him. 

"Quiet game, I like it. Now be a good girl, and step away from the wall." I look straight at Leon.

"And if I don't?" I ask coldly, as he stands there. 

"Then say goodbye to your security guard, I have a sniper locked on him." I quickly turn and press the speaker button. I raise my arms, as Leon signals me to stop, I walk out. "Good, now make your guard move." Leon stays still, as I tilt my head for him to move. He then steps out, leaving his arms to his side. "Now, Y/N, step outside and walk to the dirt path, no one will get hurt."

"Liar." I say, as he laughs. "Second I step out, you'll snipe him."

"Well then you better get movin'." My side eye looks at Leon, until I see his gun holster on him. I quickly grab it hearing yells from my father, I pull out the pistol and hold it against my head.

"Y/N! Don't!" Leon shouts.

"Shoot him, and I'm gone. You want me alive, right? Then drop your scope, or I'll pull it." Silence fills the air, as I hear no response from him. I then cock the gun, aiming it at my temple.

"Okay! Fine, scopes are off." I slowly lower the gun, kneeling to the ground. I hear multiple cars drive through the path, Chris hops off aiming everywhere. Leon and I hear gunshots, I throw myself to the couch, while he hides behind the kitchen wall, with the phone. The phone gets shot away, as we duck down. 

"Threatening to kill yourself?! Really?!" Leon shouts as I dodge bullets flying by my head.

"Good way to buy time with a nice goodbye!" I shout, as they start to calm down. Leon and I peek, and stand out, only to hear footsteps come from behind us. I turn and place my knee on the ground, using his gun to shoot the multiple men coming in. The two drop, as Chris comes through the front door. 

"You two, we gotta move." We both nod, as Chris leads the way. I pass Leon his gun as I go in the back seat. He then starts driving, I hold on to the seat as we speed out of there. "We don't know how your father found it, but it took some time for him to come now."

"I should've gone away, he's probably following us now." I say, as Leon starts speaking.

"No, he definitely knows my face, but he thinks I'm a bodyguard..let's keep it that way." I lean back into the seat as we go towards the BSAA. "Any ideas?" He asks towards Chris and I>

"My team will trace the number back to whoever or whatever it was called on." I nod as  I look out the window, knowing we're in deep shit. 

Vendetta || (Leon Kennedy X Reader) BOOK 4Where stories live. Discover now